A look into the camps of 30 candidates; Who is who in this race


AN OPINION poll has been conducted by political and opinion leaders in Lubaga South Constituency to ascertain, of the 30 candidates aspiring for area Member of Parliament in 2021 who is likely to win  the race.
The outcome gave People Power’s candidate Aloysius Mukasa a landslide victory showing others, including the incumbent Paul Kato Lubwama struggling! 
Opinion poll shows, if elections are held today, successful businessman Aloysious Mukasa will massively trounce the incumbent Paul Kato Lubwama and all other competitors by 62%, followed by ruling NRM with 17%,  Kato Lubwama comes 3rd with 8% and others (about 27 including JEEMA’s Siraje Kifampa) share the balance! 
Insiders say, the Aloysius Mukasa political storm in Lubaga South has caused much panic within the camps of his rivals, and worried of his dominance,  some have resorted to witchcraft and manufacturing sex stories, a political game well known to be played by cowards, failures and amateurs
(We will come back to this story with shocking details about who plotted this fake blackmail)
Speaking to Mukasa’s camp about how to consolidate this margin until 2021 polls, they told the News Editor Media that they can’t lay out their political game plan to public!
“We are in a very serious competition, yes our candidate is selling and now his name is on every one’s lips. Aloysius Mukasa’s visibility in the constituency will continue.  We expect a landslide victory come 2021 as People Power takes over Lubaga South Constituency.” Says team Mukasa who deployed over 2000 People power youth going house to house, person to person in a perfectly coordinated kakuyege!  

A question was put out to the public (in Lubaga South) on who of the 30 names showing interest in 2021 Lubaga South Member of Parliament race will be elected and why.
The opinion poll was conducted by Evelyn Nakiryowa, who is the LC I Chairperson Tomusange Zone, Ndeeba in Lubaga South and voting was done on Lubaga South Constituency platform for every one to follow the proceedings.
Only one person voted Kato Lubwama, Eugene Nassolo and lawyer Xavier Katabalwa each got one vote, Bwanika and Kiyingi each got 2 votes while Sam Lubega Mukaaku, JEEMA’s Siraje Kifampa and others, did not get any vote. 
Aloysius Mukasa, Bobi Wine’s blue eyed boy was the most voted beating his competitors by a very big margin. It should be noted that all Candidates are members of this platform where the poll was carried out. 

Aloysius Mukasa with People Power Spokesman Joel Ssenyonyi at a function

After reading out who got what, Ms. Evelyn Nakiryowa said, “By the powers entrusted to me to conduct this free and fair election, I therefore declare Aloysius Mukasa winner with 85%.”
She congratulated the winner!

News Editor Media is taking you through the camps of over 30 candidates having interest in Lubaga South Constituency MP seat come 2021. Who is who:

Youthful Talton Gold Aloysious Mukasa  a reknown businessman in Ndeeba and Najjanankumbi in Lubaga South Constituency was born and raised by his mother Annet Nayiga in Mutundwe, Church Zone in Lubaga South.
His father is Aloysious Kalyango of Kyengera Mugongo. Mukasa owns a magnificent home in Kabowa.
The People Power candidate says, Lubaga people need a strong voice in Parliament, which can speak loudly for every one to hear if they are to get a share of the National cake.
The Bobi Wine blue eyed boy, Mukasa  attended Uganda Martyrs Primary School in Lubaga, Kazinda Primary school Kyengera now Kampala Model, Lubiri SS and St. Marys Kitende a first World School, where thousands of students massively voted him Head prefect.
He is also an old boy of Merryland High School Kigungu in Entebbe. 
He was awarded an Advanced certificate in Business Adminstration and also graduated with a Bachelors in Business Managent at MUBS.
Last year, Mukasa graduated with a Masters degree of Public and  Business Management from Ndejje University.
He deals in Food suppliments, he is also the proprietor of Dascus Nursery School Najjanankumbi and Bex Limited, a company producing disinfectants among other businesses.
He says, Lubaga South lacks good healthy facilities, youth especially mechanics are not supported, Women groups need to be facilitated to fight poverty.
He says,  he is not in politics to look for a job but to be a conduit and a bold voice for development and changing the face of Lubaga South. 
Mukasa single handedly constructed a tamacked road in St. Anne Zone near Faith Arena Church which was in a sorry state and used by law breakers to steal bodabodas, rape women at night and kill people.
The Zone council resolved to name this road after Aloysius Mukasa.
While meeting local and youth leaders in Mutundwe recently, Mukasa said, “Lubaga South needs a fresh substitute who will speak in Parliament and act. I am a performer. We are tired of floods in Lubaga every time it rains, floods destroy our homes and sweep away businesses. This problem must end when I take over. We pay huge taxes why get poor service?”
He led a group of Lubaga councilors to Magere from where they endorsed him as their 2021 MP candidate. 
He is very close to top People power commanders like Mityana Municipality MP Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake with whom they  normally meet and give discuss how to oust Kato Lubwama whom people power considers an enemy. 
He is a very generous and a true people’s servant.
Mukasa has already identified Coordinators in every corner of Lubaga South,  he is also busy meeting local leaders, religious leaders, informal sector among others. He only has to maintain this momentum, then 2021 elections will be a walk over.

Less talked about in the this race, Kifampa is a Justice Forum (JEEMA) party candidate.
Kifampa contested for the same
seat in 2021 and Lubaga South people strongly rejected him in an election won by  Independent Kato Lubwama. Kifampa is returning with more less hope that he can manage an election with indicators already showing People power dominating. A reknown radical Moslem who Lubaga people say can’t unite other religions yet Catholics and Protestants dominate this
constituency, his camp has now turned guns on People Power and their candidate Aloysius Mukasa.
They have hired JEEMA Spokesman Ssentongo Kyammundu who is blackmailing the two over rape allegations blindly thinking this can divert the Lubaga People.
Analysts say, in this election, with their fight against People Power, Siraje Kifampa camp will perform poorly.

Like earlier said, Ken Lukyamuzi was Lubaga South MP for a long time and at one time fronted his daughter Susan Lukyamuzi and Lubaga People voted her. 
In 2016 Lukyamuzi was dropped by voters saying he was too mean and allegedly had links with the first top NRM bosses. 
Banking on Dr. Kizza Besigye and FDC alliance with his Conservative Party (CP),
Lukyamuzi is returning to reclaim his seat in 2021.
The challenge Ken is likely to face is the youth wave which is set to dominate 2021 elections. They look at him as an MP not for their
Generation and it will be harder for him to convince and get their votes.
In the opinion poll carried out, Lubaga people don’t see Lukyamuzi any where to bouncing back.

She talks about herself as a DP lady and attends some of the party members meetings although many take her as a pretender, her heart has never been for this oldest political party. 

Eugene Nassolo

While opening one of her buildings in Lubaga, Nassolo hosted top government officials making Lubaga South people brand her as NRM.This among others is  likely to affect
her dream of becoming Lubaga South MP.  Today you find her in DP BLOC with Jose Chameleon and tomorrow she will be with People Power, leaving her would be supporters confused. Eugine Nassolo says she works in the Treasury of Catholic Church Lubaga Cathedral. She has however
intensified consultation with councilors and different groups of people.

The former presidential candidate was banking on support from the DP BLOC to front him as Lubaga South 2021 MP candidate in 2021, unfortunately, this BLOC is now no more!
He looks to be another casualty in this race. Lubega has in the past unsuccessfully contested for MP seat in Kawempe and in 2016 lost to NRM’s John Bosco Lubyayi in Mawokota South. 
Before DP BLOC was dissolved, his colleagues like Hon. Norbert
Mao, Dr. Abed Bwanika and Hon. Micheal Mabikke had already annointed him to unseat Kato Lubwama.
The problem with Lubega Mukaaku, yes he is a powerful, brilliant and vocal politician but his very bad record of losing elections looks to be haunting him every time. 
In Lubaga South, voters don’t feel Sam Lubega and may not be convinced to vote him in 2021.

He is a staff at Parliament of Uganda. Since 2006, Male has been contesting in Lubaga South and losing. He has vowed to stand come 2021 and hopes to win the race. He is identified with NRM Party.
He has been seen visiting and donating to mosques and other groups. He is such a kind of a leader who you will find with people although they didn’t vote for him.  Reasons why Male has been losing, no one knows where his home is, he keeps on saying he lives in Lubaga Parish but ask
him to show you where exactly his home is, he will never answer you.

He was recently elected, Speaker Lubaga Division. He is a councilor representing Kabowa II at Lubaga Divison. 
Mbaziira will first contest for the NRM ticket in the primaries. Determined to win.
Lubaga South for NRM, Mbaziira is less known in other areas of Lubaga South apart from Kabowa. Unless he is a joker, he can’t win this slot when he only rotates around Kabowa.

The husband to Faridah Mayanja Mpiima, RCC Kampala. For two terms, Faridah Mayanja has been contesting on NRM ticket but losing. This time she is fronting her hubby and has the most chances to win NRM Primaries. Although he expects to bank on his wife’s popularity, Jamil
Mpiima will face a hard contest since for the ruling party to win in Lubaga is like milking a rock. He has to seek for Allah’s guidance to change this trend.

This artist is known as Aganaga. He has been identifying with People Power and badly wants to enter Parliament. However Lubaga South see him as another joker in this race and very few talk about him.

The Tazan Music star and a journalist who once worked with NTV, BBS and NBS TV stations,recently declared intentions to stand for Lubaga South in 2021. Dean Saava is perfectly known in media but in politics, he is not known at all and is starting his political career with such a big contest. This won’t be a walk over for him. Fore warned is fore armed.

Daughter to Kadongokamu singer Fred Masagazi. Grace in 2011 contested for councilor in Ndeeba and lost to DP’s Evelyn Nakiryowa. Now she is returning to contest for MP. Like Mbaziira, Grace Nakanwagi is only known in Ndeeba where she works from.

He is from Najjanankumbi. Less known in politics but there is a group of his friends who are determined to push him to Parliament and ready to finance his campaigns.

This is the FDC young man who took MP Kato Lubwama to courts of law contesting his academic papers. He has already declared his intentions to uproot Kato Lubwama come 2021 polls. Insiders however say, Habib Buwembo the brains behind Jobless brotherhood commonly known for throwing piglets at Parliament is in talks with Aloysius Mukasa and the FDC boy want to step aside. If Buwembo chooses to stand for MP, he is likely to miss FDC ticket because the Blue Party is with CP’s
Lukyamuzi, they can’t betray him. Even in 2021, FDC blocked Lubaga South primaries saying, Lukyamuzi is their man after in TDA,  CP was the only political party which stood with Dr. Besigye. There are also voices sending Buwembo to contest for councilorship.

He is the Proprietor of Sema Properties which deals in land. He resides in Mutundwe. No one knows what is sending this tycoon into politics but he says, he badly want this seat. Lubaga People are not taking him seriously.

Although he tops legislators who have never almost uttered a word in the tenth Parliament, Kato is already back to the trenches, asking reluctant Lubaga People to send him back to continue eating.

Hon. Kato Lubwama

While campaigning in 2016, Kato asked for votes so that he can also go to Parliament and eat. He is set to face it rough if he thinks, voters will give him another five years to eat as if he is the only hungry person in Lubaga.
Months back, Kato was in Busega and declared himself Buganda region People Power cordinator although him and Hon. Bobi Wine don’t see eye to eye and the Kyaddondo East MP wants Kato out.
People power accuses Kato Lubwama of  taking sides with their tomentors. In fact, Kato once said, People power is a group of goons. They say, it is time for him to pay for his sins.
In 2016, Kato was in good books with Lukwago’s TJ and Lordmayor traversed the whole constituency campaigning for him. 
But as you read this, Lukwago and Kato are sworn enemies.
His SOLIDA group led by councilor Musa Lusembo denounced Kato Lubwama.
There is circulating information that Kato is planning not to invest a lot  in his 2021 bid fearing to lose.
He has instead diverted his monies in putting up a state of the art Theater at his home in Mutundwe fearing to lose all
if he doesn’t bounce back.

This one also lives in Najjanankumbi and calls himself a member of People Power. During a DP BLOC meeting at late DP SG Matia Nsubuga’s home in Lubaga, Kiyingi ambushed it dressed in a red overall and his boys brought the meeting to a stand still. He is likely to put up a challenge if he goes on stands. In fact according to the opinion poll conducted, he performed better than Kato Lubwama, Ken Lukyamuzi, Siraje Kifampa and Eugene Nassolo.

He is a reknown DP member with support from a section of party leaders to contest for the seat.

Son to fallen DP SG Matia Nsubuga, Kevin has shown interest to unseat Kato Lubwama. He is a lawyer by profession and lives in Nalumunye, Wakiso and the area LC 1 Chairman. DP is likely to deny him a party ticket.

This won’t be his first time to contest for Lubaga South MP.

Counsel Xavier Katabalwa

Katabalwa is a strong DP man but his chances to ever win this MP seat are very slim. He is a lawyer by profession.
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