PHOTO: Moses Muhangi


AHMED HUSSEIN Marsha, Communications Director, Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA) has perfectly placed Moses Muhangi, Boxing Federation President where he deserves to be!
In a tweet which is trending, Ahmed Hussein refers to embattled Muhangi as, “a tiny time framed Federation leader who loves to be spotted for ‘achieving alone’.”
Ahmed Hussein, who was recently named one of the best Public relations chiefs in Uganda has no kind words for motor-mouthed Moses Muhangi who has waged a useless war against the Football Federation in Uganda and its President Hon. Eng. Moses Magogo. FUFA boss doubles as Budiope East Member of Parliament on ruling NRM ticket.
Tweeting in response to Moses Muhangi’s missives, Mr. Ahmed Hussein, without mincing words wrote, “The simplest weapon at my disposal is to tell you (Muhangi) that by investing heavily in attacking FUFA and damaging our Brand, you are just logging a dead horse. You’re a tiny time framed sports federation President who loves to be spotted for ‘achieving alone.’ Why would a federation President publicly attack other sports federations.”
For days, Moses Muhangi who is said to be in Sports journalists’ bad books has been attacking FUFA President in what sports analysts suspect  as a well calculated black mailing mercinery job to taint Magogo and FUFA’s reputation.   Muhangi reached an extent of going overboard by tweeting how, “Its possible for Boxing Federation Uganda to organise a ring contest between Moses Magogo and Ben Misagga only that there would be a mismatch since one of them is a mosquito weight.” 
In another tweet, Moses Muhangi mentioned how he has been advised to engage his partner in crime Ben Misagga, “As one of my mobilizers in the race for Budiope East parliamentary seat. Once iam elected as Member of Parliament Budiope East 2026, half of my Parliamentary earnings will be passed on to the poor voters and their dependants in the constituency.”

FUFA PRESIDENT; Eng. Moses Magogo

Insiders say, Muhangi and Immanuel Ben Misagga(former SC Villa President) are in bed to blackmail FUFAM hoping to dislodge President Moses Magogo and Misagga takes over, a deal Ahmed Hussein prophesied will never bear fruit.
In fact in his tweets Muhangi said, “Misagga You actually look more a football presidential material than the hubris. Am not saying I will change the way things are done in the sports sector , but certainly I will spark the brain that will.”
It is believed, Muhangi water beaks certain tv journalists to stage manage questions in order to aide him and his worshippers insult The Federation of Uganda Football Association in Uganda. 

FUFA communications’ boss Ahmed Hussein said, “You don’t need to stage manage the questions. This weekend alone; FUFA has had five activities (non Governement funded). The government funded activity is in Dar. The 5 activities are; UPL, FBL, FWSL, Regional leagues and District leagues. Uganda Cranes is in Tanzania ready to put up a good show. What’s there for Uganda Boxing Federation you lead, this weekend? Sharing stage managed content?” 

“The strikes hitting FUFA (and itstill survives), if they ever happen to your one man federation, you will not survive for a week. Nyakana Godfrey coming soon.” Ahmed Hussein warned war-monger Moses Muhangi.
A FUFA fan who seemed pissed-off with Moses Muhangi’s tweets against Eng. Magogo commented on one of his tweets thus, “The time this guy (Muhangi) spends tweeting against FUFA President Magogo, I advise he at least spends more of it writing proposals to attract sponsors in the Boxing sport he manages instead of making endless noise.”
This is a developing story! 

What do you know about Moses Muhangi? Send us an email to We always protect our source.


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