PHOTO: Mr. Kagenyi Today participated in the site handover and ground breaking ceremony of Post Bank on Plot 3 Wesonga road, Manafwa town council. He called on area MP Hon. Peter Werikhe to seek a leave of parliament and introduce a private members bill that compels all the 478.000 government workers to open up accounts and save with Post Bank since it is owned by govt 100%


A FEW days in office, renown Journalist and political analyst Lukka Kagenyi who was recently appointed Manafwa District Deputy Residential District Commissioner by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has kick-started plans to have an accountability day for the district to make an awareness on how tax payers’ money is used and each coin accounted for.
The district accountability day is expected to be announced soon.
Mr. Kagenyi who our reporter found in office at 9pm at night, re-echoed how he is going to prioritize matters of accountability, value for money, economic monitoring of all government programs and security vowing that he will leave no stone unturned.
We found him perusing through financial reports submitted by the the District Chief Administration Officer (CAO) for the third quarter ended on March 31st 2022.
A Team Muhoozi Kainerugaba (MK) coordinator Eastern region and ruling NRM Party defender mostly on social media Mr. Kagenyi Lukka has already consented and promised to work with all leaders in the district to make Manafwa a model district.


Menwhile, Mr. Kagenyi today participated in the site handover and ground breaking ceremony of Post Bank on Plot 3 Wesonga road, Manafwa town council. Speaking at the function, Deputy RDC Kagenyi called on area Member of Parliament Hon. Peter Werikhe to seek a leave of parliament and introduce a private members bill that compels all the 478.000 government workers to open up accounts and save with Post Bank since it is owned by govt 100%. He committed himself to make sure leaders in the district work as a team to make Manafwa a modal district in Bugishu Subregion.

For starters, Bugisu Subregion has districts which includes; Manafwa, Buduuda, Sironko, Namisendwa, Mbale, Bulambuli. “I want us to be a model district. We have to monitor health services and drugs in all government health facilities, All health centre III in the 25 subcounties and the Seven town councils making up Manafwa district must be monitored and perfectly supervised.” Said D/RDC Kagenyi.
He talked about visiting and inspect all government seed schools in every subconunty and to make sure that every parish has a government school.
“We also have to monitor the NRM manifesto implementation activities.” Kagenyi told district leaders.
Thanking Post Bank to open up a branch in Manafwa, Kagenyi ugued them to give first priority to sons and daughters of the district while Ivinghoe out jobs saying, Manafwa children have qualificatiins to work in a Bank.
He asked contractors to work with the given given timeline but they should desist from corruption and doing substandard or shoddy work.
All speeches were given during a meeting which was held in town council hall, before heading to the cite where Post Bank branch is going to be constructed. Others who gave speeches included District Chairperson, Post bank representative Mr. Herbert Niwagaba, area member of parliament Bubulo West, and D/RDC Lukka Kagenyi who handed over the site.

Talking to us shortly after his appointment, Mr. Kagenyi who is talked about as a performer, committed himself to serve the people of Manafwa district without discrimination.
He saluted His Excellency the President for identifying him and promised to serve all people with one heart.
“I am not only going to monitor government programs but with all leaders in the district, we will make sure implementation is observed.” Said D/RDC Kagenyi Lukka.
He revealed to us the approach he will apply to make sure Manafwa becomes a model district. 
“I am going to use the approach of See, Look, Observe, before I put into Action.” Revealed Kagenyi.
He told us that, in his first 100 days as D/RDC Manafwa, he will liase with the district security committee to meet all LC leadership, identify their problems especially pertaining security. 
This will involve Secretaries for Defence and LC 1 chairpersons from every village.
Secondly,  Kagenyi is looking at carrying out boundary opening to know the Manafwa district boundaries versus those of their neigbours. This is intended to analyse the securiry threats to the district.
Addressing the pertinent issue of Parish develop fund, D/RDC Kagenyi says, the 81 parishes which make up Manafwa district will each get its money.
“And not only getting it but we will make sure we do follow up so that money given is used strictly for the intended purpose.” Said Kagenyi.
His other priority is one concerning accountability of tax payers money. He plans to start and launch an accountability day in Manafwa district.
He wants who ever gets government money, to give accountability. “We want to have value for money in Manafwa district. I want to make manafwa a model district, We have gone to work.” Said Kagenyi, a very calm and generous young man but very strict if it comes to work.

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