A FUNCTION organised next month by a group of youth calling themselves ‘Friends of Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba’ to celebrate achievements of Museveni’s son Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba lies in balance after a tweet by Maj. Chris Magezi saying that the 1st son is neither aware nor authorised it. We are reliably informed, all security teams have been directed to block this function saying it’s motive isn’t known.
Maj. Magezi is the Director Information and Communication Office of the Senior Presidential Advisor in charge of Special Operations (SPASO) who is Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
‘Friends of Muhoozi’ have organised a luncheon at Sheraton Hotel Kampala to celebrate the Achievements of Gen. Muhoozi.
Led by a one Lyvine Julius Kashugi, these ‘Friends of Muhoozi’ have been organising such functions annually and last year, the chief guest Gen. Muhoozi was represented by Chief of Staff, Lt Col McDans Kamugira.
In a statement disowning Kashugi and his group yesterday on Monday, Maj. Chris Magezi tweeted, “It has come to the attention of the office of the Commander Land Forces (CLF) & SPASO that some rogue characters are organizing and collecting money from unsuspecting members of Public over some fictitious event at Kampala Sheraton sometime next month.”
“Please be advised that, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba is neither aware about the said event and nor has he authorized any such undertaking in his name. Members of public should not be hoodwinked otherwise.”
Reads Maj. Magezi’s tweet. 

This comes at a time when ownership of Muhoozi project campaign rages on as different groups claim ownership.
This campaign is intending to see Museveni’s son become the next President of Uganda after his father.

In a phone interview with the News Editor Media, ‘Friends of Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba’ have denied ever soliciting money from members of the Public as alleged by Maj. Magezi challenging him to bring proof.
Group chairman Mr. Kashugi has instead referred to this as a blackmail campaign against a good cause citing those with intrigue against Gen. Muhoozi to be having a hand in this. 
Kashugi asked, “Can afande Magezi table evidence on what he wrote? Can he show any member of public we asked to give us money?”
He revealed that ‘Friends of Muhoozi Kainerugaba’ use their money to sponsor this annual function and asked, why Maj. Magezi wants to spoil their names?
“Does he want public to believe that this will be the first luncheon we have organised so far? Who is misleading our brother Magezi?” He asked.
Kashugi noted that, money to organise the luncheon is contributed by members of the forum (Friends of Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba), not from any outsider.
“We have never collected money from non members just like Magezi blackmailed us. As members, we contribute this money willingly, we sponsor ourselves. We always have a dinner or luncheon annually. My only work is to invite speakers. Let him table the matter and produce evidence.” Said Kashugi who calls himself, Founder of Muhoozi project in Uganda. 
He insists, there are some selfish people who want to hijack Muhoozi Project, saying, the same people might be the ones misleading Maj. Magezi hence tainting their names.
Asked whether they indeed consulted Gen. Muhoozi whose achievements they want to celebrate, Julius Kashugi said yes and that he is aware.
“We have already engaged Col. Kamugira and afande ‘Muhoozi’ is highly briefed. He will grace the function. What’s wrong with celebrating achievements of such a great warrior? We have been doing it for the past years, Maj. Magezi needs to be reminded. 
We asked Kashugi, how many members do they have and answered that they are very many.
“If they keep on provoking us, we will even take the function to Kololo Airstrip and fill it to capacity.” Said Kashugi who held the first dinner at Munyonyo attended by Promoter Balam Ateenyi Barugahara, a renowned Muhoozi blue eyed man.
During last year’s luncheon at Sheraton Hotel Kampala, Gen. Muhoozi thanked this group for the love and support they have for him.
In his message delivered by Lt. Col. Kamugira, Gen. Muhoozi said, “Thank you for your love and support and for always standing up for me. However, I now encourage you to go out in this electioneering season and mobilize support for mzee and the revolution that saved our country,” 
At this luncheon under the theme, “Empowering our nation for socio-economic transformation”,  the group appreciated Gen Kainerugaba for dedicating his life to serve Uganda having been in the UPDF for over twenty years.
According to media reports, in his own capacity, as per the theme of the day, Col Kamugira highlighted three critical areas including ideology, relevant skills, and good leadership as a way of ensuring social-economic transformation.
On ideology which he described as the world outlook or what we believe in as a nation, Col Kamugira emphasized NRM’s core beliefs; democracy, Nationalism, Socioeconomic transformation, among others.
“Let’s embrace Nationalism and avoid sectarian tendencies if we are to advance. Every one of us matters and the market of our businesses begins with us,” Col Kamugira said.

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