IN THE PHOYO: Late Josephine Mulinda


LUBAGA SOUTH legislator Aloysius Mukasa will today Saturday join mourners in Luwunga village, Kinoni – Masaka to see off late Josephine Mulinda, mother to Princess Eugenia Nassolo who contested for this constituency Member of Parliament election in January this year.
Princess Nassolo’s mum has for been struggling for her dear life. She breathed her last on Thursday morning. 
Nassolo who contested for Lubaga South MP on Democratic Party ticket, this week, through her lawyers of Caleb Alaka & Co. Advocates withdrawn an election petition she had lodged against Hon. Mukasa.
Nassolo said, she did this basing on the grounds of uniting the people of Lubaga, promoting the spirit of the opposition but on top of this all, allowing the massively elected MP Aloysius Mukasa serve his constituents with one heart.
In an exclusive interview with this fastest growing News Website, MP Mukasa welcomed Nassolo’s move to withdraw the petition saying it had no life at all.
He told us that, “I want to thank my sister Nassolo for not wasting court’s time and withdrawn her petition. Truth is, elections were done in February and Lubaga South voters’ voice was heard loudly. They elected a competent and able MP. This is the time to speak for them in Parliament not wasting time in court battles. I thank Ms. Nassolo for understanding this before it’s too late.”
Nassolo’s move must have united all political factions in Lubaga South. No wonder, Hon. Mukasa is today leading Lubaga South people to go to Masaka and mourn with Princess Nassolo an act of political maturity. 
Here at The News Editor Media, we extend our heartfelt condolence to Ms. Nassolo. May the soul of the deceased rest in eternal peace! 


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