Aloysious Mukasa looking for votes door to door


ALOYSIUS T.G MUKASA, the National Unity Platform (NUP) candidate for Lubaga South member of Parliament has decried  Katwe Police Station’s torturing his supporters and blocking his campaigns. He warned police  about the dangers of provoking the peace loving people.
Featuring in the studios of 100.5 Bukedde fm Embutikizi, a radio station owned by Vision Group, Hon. Mukasa said his cars with public address systems were impounded by Katwe Police but no charges, so far have been prefered against him.
“I thought we are conducting a scientific campaign and we use public address system among others, to deliver our manifestos to the electorates who can’t convene for a rally.Then what is the logic behind police impounding my cars and the PA systems? How do they want me to deliver my message to the voters?”
Asked a furious Aloysious Mukasa in a radio talkshow moderated by Munnakasongola Ronald Ssebutiko. In the studio was also veteran journalist Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi.
Mukasa said, if you reach Katwe Police Station parking lot, almost all impounded cars belong to him.
“It looks like these police officers are either on orders of their top bosses to sabotage my campaigns or, they are being influenced by some of my fellow contestants in Lubaga South who are already panicking because of our strength and popularity.” Mukasa told listeners.
He says, he is now going by foot to canvas  for votes village to village, zone to zone and parish to parish saying it’s the only alternative he has remained with after police chose to deny him a right to communicate to voters in a wider range.
Mukasa talked about one of his ambulances that he bought for Lubaga South which was  impounded and hidden in a certain facility near Kisekka market manned by miltary officers. 
“The only crime committed by this ambulance was rescuing and rushing to hospitals our innocent people who were shot by army men during city demonstrations against the arrest of our President Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi two weeks ago.”
Explained Hon. Mukasa adding, “On noting that my team was filming every thing as our ambulance was being hidden, military police vomited it. We can’t allow such acts to continue. Imagine, we were saving lives of our people shot by their would be protectors, but military police was blocking us. Such heartless officers need to be punished!!”
About security forces blocking presidential candidate Kyagulanyi access to big towns like what was seen in Luweero and Nakasongola, among others, Hon. Mukasa laughed at them saying, “We don’t mind where ever you send us. There are also voters and each vote counts come January 14th, 2021. Wherever Hon. Kyagulanyi has passed, he is welcomed by thousands of people.Their voice is louder, they are for change.”
With much humility, Hon. Aloysius thanked Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II who on Sunday November 29th 2020 strongly condemned recent killings of innocent people, demanded for urgent investigations into these killings and asked that culprits be arrested. 
Mukasa said, “We thank our Kabaka for coming out and condemning these killings. Nothing will ever justify the murder of innocent people. This is why we are calling for a change of government because the current regime has totally failed to protect the lives of its people.”
“And indeed, Ugandans are ready to retire President Museveni peacefully come January next year.” Mr. Mukasa noted.
He assured Lubaga South voters of perfect representation re-echoing the fact that he is not looking for a job but offered himself to be a voice for this constituency whose incumbent MP Kato Lubwama was recently listed among the worst legislators in the 10th Parliament. 
Different callers in this show pledged support to Aloysius Mukasa branding him the best candidate for the Lubaga South MP seat.
Ssalongo Waswa from Kyengera thanked Mukasa for his persistence in preaching against police brutality. 
Hassan ‘ladies designer’ from Bulenga said police should be fair to all candidates saying,  torturing opposition candidates shows the security forces are partisan in this election.
Hassan saluted Mr. Mukasa for financing women groups in Lubaga South, building schools, putting up free ambulance services, saying he is the only hope for Lubaga South.

Youthful Talton Gold Aloysious Mukasa a reknown businessman in Ndeeba and Najjanankumbi in Lubaga South Constituency was born and raised by his mother Annet Nayiga in Mutundwe, Church Zone in Lubaga South.
His father is Aloysious Kalyango of Kyengera Mugongo. Mukasa owns a magnificent home in Kabowa.
The Bobi Wine top man, Mukasa attended Uganda Martyrs Primary School in Lubaga, Kazinda Primary school Kyengera now Kampala Model, Lubiri SS and St. Marys Kitende a first World School, where thousands of students massively voted him Head prefect.
He is also an old boy of Merryland High School Kigungu in Entebbe. 
He was awarded an Advanced certificate in Business Adminstration and also graduated with a Bachelors in Business Managent at MUBS.
Last year, Mukasa graduated with a Masters degree of Public and  Business Management from Ndejje University.
He deals in Food suppliments, he is also the proprietor of Dascus Nursery School Najjanankumbi and Bex Limited, a company producing disinfectants among other businesses.
He says, Lubaga South lacks good healthy facilities, youth especially mechanics are not supported, Women groups need to be facilitated to fight poverty.
Mukasa single handedly constructed a tamacked road in St. Anne Zone near Faith Arena Church which was in a sorry state and was being used by law breakers to steal bodabodas, rape women at night and kill people. The Zone council resolved to name this road after Aloysius Mukasa.
While meeting local and youth leaders in Mutundwe recently, Mukasa said, “Lubaga South needs a fresh substitute who will speak in Parliament and act. I am a performer. We are tired of floods in Lubaga every time it rains, floods destroy our homes and sweep away businesses. This problem must end when I take over. We pay huge taxes why get poor service?”
Mukasa is a very generous and a true people’s servant.


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