THOSE who patiently waited for the elapse of the 21 Covid-19 lockdown days so that they go back to their respective Churches and Mosques for prayers and worship, you kindly need to hold on for sometime!

It has been sealed in a yesterday’s meeting at State House between the Head of State and leaders of the inter-religious council, places of worship where followers gather in big numbers to worship God will still remain closed until further notice.

President Museveni is expected to officially make a big announcement on this matter during tomorrow’s May 1st 2020 Labour day speech.

MEETING ON OPENING UP: Museveni and Inter-religious council leaders at State House

On Wednesday evenning, Museveni posted on his facebook page about his meeting with men of God.
He wrote: “Meeting with the council of presidents for the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda at State House Entebbe. We shared on how religious leaders can contribute and strengthen the current response on the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Members of the Inter-religious council in attendance included: Newly enthroned Archbishop of Church of Uganda The Most Rev. His Grace Dr. Steven Samuel Kazimba Mugalu, His Eminence the Mufti of Uganda Sheikh Shaban Ramathan Mubajje and Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph Serwadda who is the leader Born Again Faith in Uganda.

Others were Kampala Archbishop Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, Pastor Daniel Matte the Uganda Union Adventist President and Dr. Bishop Joshua Lwere, the senior pastor of Grace Assembly Church, Kampala and Overseer of the National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC).

Contacted for what transpired at the State House meeting, whether they agreed with the president to allow God’s people to come back to their Churches next week after the expiry of lockdown, Dr. Serwadda had this to say, “The President is going to address the issue May 1st, Labour Day.”

This year’s Internationsl Labour day, according to minister Frank K. Tumwebaze won’t be celebrated as usual because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, H.E the President will make a televised address to the country.

Mr. Museveni, also in his facebook post did not elaborate more about his meeting with inter-religious council. Our sources at State House leaked to us how Museveni is not ready to open up Churches and Mosques.

However much religious leaders wanted to let free to do the work of God.

“The President insisted the war on Covid-19 is not over so there is no way he can risk opening such places of big concentration. He requested them to continue closing Churches and Mosques as they monitor together, the situation.” Sources told us.

It should be remembered that before closing places of worship, schools and  bars, the President first consulted Inter-religious council who gave him a green light.

Museveni who is expected to reduce on the lockdown restrictions after the 21 days some people thought will open up Churches and Mosques since the Coronavirus looks to have found no peace in Uganda.
The president has instead not considered this.

Also read:

Opio Moses: Next time, Mr. President, call the religious leaders to lead us in prayer before you address the Country so that we get the blessings of the lord for wisdom on how to handle Covid-19.
Francis Owoyesigire Light: Wonderful! A national thanksgiving ceremony should be organized and conducted as soon as possible for the victory God has given Uganda over COVID-19. I appreciate  these leaders for their quick response in the fight against the spread of the CORONA virus. This unity for the common good for Ugandans should continue. Those who don’t realize the urgency and significance of the Inter-religious council should be checked.
Felix Kyeyune: Good all of them have rested  waters during this lockdown, and I think Government should allow them to distribute relief to the vulnerable.
Robert Ekwang: The fact is the battle is not yet over. There is nothing special with Uganda not to get 50 cases in one day and our sufferings in the current lockdown will count nothing. 
So Mr. President, don’t be pressurised and you rush to open the country. Many people are complaining of  poverty but we should learn to save. It is this opposition that has made our citizens lazy because they always lie to them that whenever change comes, people will have freedom. Mr. President, don’t rush because we may badly crush.
Ochieng Naye Kainja: The church leaders should wait to open at least for more two months.
Hassan Kato: Don’t panic and  allow public gathering like Churches and markets to open. Look at our neighbors in Tanzania they are at 480,  DRC 494 Kenya 384,  Rwanda 212 and for Uganda despite 22 from our neighbors, we are still at 79. You can lift the lockdown but with tough restrictions.
Josephat Twinomukama: Mr. President, don’t allow religious leaders to mislead you and lift the directive on religious gatherings.
Frank Wafula: We hope for the best but let churches and mosques wait a bit before they can gather again.
Alex Mukonyezi: Please your excellence don’t open churches and mosques because they are gathering places. Look at how the virus is increasing in Tanzania. Open them last with schools.


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