HIS EMINENCE Emanuel Cardinal Wamala has spoken boldly against the corrupt and incompetent legislators whom he says have failed to give accountability to voters on how they are fighting corruption by enacting tough laws.

He wants them voted out in 2021 General election saying this is the only way Ugandans can punish these Mps.

Speaking to a team of people led by Lubaga South People Power cordinator Aloysius Mukasa who we are reliably informed was delivering a very confidential message from Hon.  Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi, Cardinal Wamala urged Ugandans to deal with incompetent members of Parliament who have failed to deliver.

MY LORD THE CARDINAL: Mukasa with His Eminence Wamala

“Members of Parliament should give accountability to the electorates on tough measures put to fight corruption. If they can’t, then voters should throw them out in 2021. This campaign of replacing incompetent MPs with those who are tested,  must be supported by every one.” Said Cardinal Wamala who prayed and blessed Aloysius Mukasa, People Power aspiring candidate for Lubaga South constituency in 2021 to win.

The cardinal who had no minced words on corruption said this vice can easily be fought if members of Parliament genuinely have a zeal to end it and enact tough laws against the corrupt.

“Voters, ask your MPs when they return for votes in 2021, how have they fought corruption. If their response is zigzag, throw them out. We need leaders who are transparent and with very clean hands.” Said Cardinal Wamala at his Nsambya residence on Friday morning.

In his response, Aloysius Mukasa assured the cardinal that as leaders, they are moving around different parts of the country sensitizing electorates on the power of their ballots and a need to check out leaders who have not delivered, come 2021.

“My Lord your eminence Cardinal Wamala, we thank you for the words of wisdom. We in fact started on that campaign senstizing our people on dangers of sending to Parliament people who can’t lobby for their constituencies, who can’t speak out on behalf of their voters, MPs who can’t speak out against corruption, poverty,  crime and dictatorship. And I can assure you my lord, this time around voters will indeed shun them.” Said Aloysius Mukasa who first has an enclosed door meeting with the cardinal for some good minutes.

Our sources at Nsambya are not informed about what really the meeting was about but linked it on a message, Mukasa was delivering from People Power supreme leader,  Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine.

Before going to Nsambya to meet Cardinal Wamala, the same Mukasa was seen in a meeting with eminent persons like former Buganda Premier Dan Muliika, then with former DP President General Dr. Paulo Kawanga Ssemogerere and also, Prof. Wasswa Lule former Lubaga North MP.

Insiders say,  Kyagulanyi is targeting eminent persons for political endorsement as he heads for 2021 presidential contest.

He uses Aloysius Mukasa, his blue eyed boy, to deliver the message.


On learning that Mukasa is going to contest for Lubaga South MP seat, Cardinal Wamala asked him, “Who is the area MP?” to which Mukasa replied, “My Lord, he is Hon. Kato Lubwama”.

Cardinal said,  “But we don’t see him talking in Parliament. Or you sent him somewhere else not in Parliament? What is he doing? Such leaders should be rejected.

“Wamala asked Mukasa which other work he does outside politics to which he replied, “I am a businessman and own schools.”He later knelt down for cardinal blessings saying, “My son, go in peace, we wish you success but if you also betray our people, we will ask voters to vote you out.”

Both laughed and Mukasa along side his team left, after handing over gifts to Cardinal Wamala and wished him good health.


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