LEAD PHOTO: Hon. Aloysius Mukasa campaigning for NUP Presidential Candidate Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi in 2021. The Rubaga South legislator analysts say, is still very powerful, popular, loyal to his voters and NUP Party leadership
AS preparations for the 2026 General election kick off with ruling NRM Party announcing election of structures, at the leading opposition party NUP Headquaters, tension is so high as a good number of incumbent Members of Parliament are set not to be returned due to a number of factors.
These include poor performance, disloyalty, betraying NUP as a party and disappearing from voters as soon as they got elected. On record, NUP has 57 members of Parliament, of the 552 legislators of the 11th Parliament.

Photo: When NUP President Hon. Kyagulanyi hosted Party MPs for a two day retreat in Kampala.
In this investigative story, the mighty News Editor Media, your leading investigative News Website in Uganda brings 30 NUP MPs who are very safe, chances to get party tickets are high and will automatically win victory for their Red party come 2026 polls. Here is Part I of the story about the safe NUP MPs and what makes them secure?
Please read on!
The Mityana Municipality legislator is still powerful, very popular and a class above the ordinary. Who ever thinks of dislodging him in 2026 must be a day dreamer.
Hon. Zaake will defeat whoever stands in his way to represent the people of Mityana Municipality who regard him as the only bull in Greater Mityana Kraal.
In the first place, some opposition politicians of the 9th Parliament like Hon. Betty Nambooze Bakireke never expected this youngster to make it to the 10th Parliament. Then a DP member, Nambooze even camped in Mityana to decampaign Zaake urging Mityana Mucipality voters never, ‘to send us that boy, Parliament is not a football play ground that he is coming to play football with other boys.’
Nambooze who was in Mityana to campaign for fellow DP Candidate Faustine Mukambwe Lukonge asked voters not to send Zaake warning that if they vote for him, ‘We will be sending him to shops to buy us airtime because he is a young boy’.
However, all this fell on deaf ears. On polling day, thousands voted Zaake, sending Nambooze’s candidate in position three. NRM’s Charles Sserugga Matovu ‘Munnakyalo’ finished second.
Zaake’s win wasn’t a shock. He had a successful campaign attended by hundreds. He automatically had to sail through.
In 2021, both Nambooze and Mukambwe crossed to opposition NUP Party where Zaake was Hon. Bobi Wine’s blue eyed boy. So the two had to salute him. Nambooze reclaimed her constituency of Mukono Municipality while Mukambwe was fronted by Zaake for Mayor Mityana Municipality on NUP ticket.
In last election, Zaake won from all polling stations to secure his second term in the 11th Parliament of Uganda.

Photo: Hon. Zaake and Hon. Kyagulanyi
In fact his filthy rich father Omukungu Ssembuusi Butebi put a bet of 20M if his son lost at a single polling Station. No one ate his money.
Coming from an extra well to do family, his father Ssembuusi Butebi owns a number of hotels both in Kampala and Mityana, he is asuccessful businessman who heads Mityana Traders Association (MITA), has a Forex Bureau, a Money lender and is connected to Mengo establishment where Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II appointed him to sit on the Buganda Twezimbe, a committee set up to re-develop Buganda Kingdom.
Zaake’s father is renown in Mityana and respected by opinion leaders, religious leaders and business fraternity. It is therefore a walk over for his son to win an elective position. Zaake gather voters from the youth, women, business people and elders.
In Parliament, no MP has suffered at the hands of the State like Zaake. Imprisoned, tortured, beaten and suspended.
He was even kicked out of Commissioner’s office by the reigning Speaker and of recent, Deputy Speaker refered him to the rules Committee.
One of the vocal MPs who perfectly legislate for his constituents, Zaake put up a spirited fight for the abducted and political prisoners demanding for their unconditional release. By doing all this, he positions himself before the Principal as a fearless NUP legislator who even touches the anus of the leopard! That is Zaake for you!
No genuine opposition party can do away with such a fighter who can even risk his well paying office and life.
Hansard in the 10th Parliament captured Zaake while rising on matters of National importance like the poor status of Mityana government Hospital, impassable roads in Mityana, lack of electricity among others.
The ‘boy’ once despised by the likes of Hon. Nambooze has become a thorn in NRM’s fresh and all plots to oust him have been in vain! Each day that passes by, Zaake becomes stronger and more popular.

ON THE TRAIL: Bobi wine, Zaake and SG Rubongoya
Mityana people think their MP has sacrificed all, they are very proud of him and will never think of substituting him come 2026.
Those with hopes to contest against Zaake like a one Mugisha (Mityana LCV Chairman), are already facing public attacks!
Recently, Mugisha attended a wedding in Kasanda district but was blocked from addressing the people accusing him of eyeing Zaake’s seat, an MP the public regards as hero and a true opposition figure.
In fact during Zaake’s thanks giving ceremony recently in Mityana, one of the visiting MPs asked Mityana people to make Zaake a sole candidate come 2026 so that, he gives the would be Mityana campaign time to other candidates in different parts of the Country.
Analysts say, who ever thinks of unseating Zaake, will be just wasting time and money.
This richest young MP Ķcommands support from NRM, DP, FDC, his Party NUP and other forces. He is good at lobbying for his voters, for churches, mosques, schools, youth and women groups, etc.
He is now a darling to the likes of Nambooze. No opposition politician can dare step in Mityana to decampain Zaake.

When Zaake emerged winner in the East African Parliamentary games
We are told, NRM is ploting to front Esther Ndyanabo (former Mayor Mityana Municipality) against Zaake.
Even Mugisha is in the puzzle, insiders allege that, he will be bankrolled by Gen. Muhoozi Camp thinking he can help in dividing Zaake’s votes.
However all indicators show, Zaake is heavy weight, come 2026, he will win again by a higher percentage.
A businessman turned politician, NUP’s Mukasa Aloysius on January 14, 2021 was massively elected by the people of Rubaga South with a convincing victory.
He polled 49,501 (Forty Nine thousand, five hundred and one) votes defeating 13 (Thirteen candidates) including DP’s Eugenia Nassolo with a margin of 36608 votes.

MP Mukasa (in a red tie) with fellow NUP MPs at then Kamwokya party offices
Other casualities included; Male Charles Kenneth (NRM), Kifampa Silaje (JEEMA), Kato Lubwama Paul (Independent) now late, Mugga Adam Swift (Independent), Lufunya Derrick (Independent), Ken Lukyamuzi (CP), Lubega Samuel Walter Mukaaku (SDP), Buwembo Habib (FDC), Kiyingi Denis (Independent), Nakanwagi Grace (Independent), Sebugwawo Mbidde Denis (Independent) and Kayemba Michael Oscar (Independent).
Nassolo who ran one of the best bankrolled campaigns by unknown sources in which she donated tents, aprons, masks, water tanks among other items, petitioned High court to annul MP Mukasa’s election on allegations that he donated 300 bags of cement to St. Peters Church Ndeeba.
In her petition, she accused Mukasa of using his private car to take helpless-sick people to the hospital!
She lied that Hon. Mukasa used his motor vehicles no. UBE 564W & another Toyota Hiace which were branded in the colour and stickers of his images and picture of Presidential candidate Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi with inscriptions, ‘Lubaga South Mukasa Aloysius T G – Mission 2021’.
Nassolo mistakenly branded Mukasa’s private car of Drone type reg. No. UBE 564W to be an ambulance.
She also accused Hon. Mukasa of not having a minimum formal education of Advanced Level Standard or its equivalent. That he did not complete and attain a Uganda Certificate of Education.
On sensing that she had a bad case, that her petition was full of lies and fabrications, Nassolo instructed her lawyers to drop the charges and allow the duly elected Member of parliament for Rubaga South Constituency Mukasa Aloysius serve his electorates without any further disturbances.
A Bachelors of Laws student who holds a Bachelors of Business Administration from Ndejje University, Hon. Mukasa is one of the most loyal NUP MPs to his Party leadership.

OUR MAN: MP Mukasa with his supporters
Infact, during Kato Lubwama’s burial, NUP President Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi took pride in fronting ‘a youngman (Mukasa Aloysius) in 2021, who dislodged Kato Lubwama’.
Lubwama was enemy number one to NUP. So Bobi looked for a determined youngman who was capable of unseating this former comedian. Mukasa perfectly did the job and delivered victory to his Master, Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi.
Insiders say, Mukasa is a very humble man before Party leaders and rarely greets the Principal when standing.

May be when he is not in the country, but Hon. Mukasa will never miss any meeting, function or gathering convened by Hon. Kyagulanyi or other Party top leaders. He is a darling to party foot soldiers due to his loyalty, consistence and generocity.
Besides being in the good books of NUP Party bosses, in Constituency, Hon. Mukasa is loved so much! Whoever thinks otherwise, dare him in 2026, you will sweat plasma!
Known to be a selfless legislator who doesn’t drive expensive cars, when Parliament gave him UGX 200M to buy himself a new car, Hon. Mukasa used the money to buy a water tank car for his constituents which he used to supply clean water to Rubaga South people.

FREE SERVICE: Mukasa supplying clean water to his constituents
However, three years since he bought this clean water truck, State Merceneries working closely with some politicians in Rubaga South he defeated in 2021, made attempts to burn it because of jealousy forcing the MP to do away with it.
For starters, Mukasa bought an ambulance for Rubaga South before he was even elected MP. It was because of the free services given by Mukasa’s ambulance that his competitor in 2021 Nassolo Eugenia wanted his victory cancelled accusing Mukasa of helping poor people.
Although like we earlier told you Nassolo lost interest in her fake petition, Police in Kayunga confiscated Mukasa’s ambulance during NUP Harriet Nakwede’s LC V elections only to be released months later completely broken down and couldn’t return to the road.
We are told the MP is working on buying a new ambulence for his people.
According to recently released Parliamentary Score card, MP Mukasa scored highly for his presence in the constituency, making consultations to get views from his people, attending burials in the constituency, fundraising for churches, Mosques, Schools and monitoring service delivery in Rubaga South.
A few weeks ago, Mukasa had threatened to organize a demonstration over poor roads especially the Freedom City-Nyanama-Kitebi road which was in a sorry state but government moved in to repair it.
Ever since he was elected, the MP has kept so close to his people.
He has not kept quiet on abducted youth and political prisoners, he is seen on Tvs and radios demanding for their unconditional release.
In Parliament, Hansard has captured Hon. Mukasa rising on matters of National Importance like fires burning schools and timbershops especially in his constituency, construction of free-toilets, the issue of floods in his constituents among other matters.
Not at any single moment has Mukasa ever betrayed his party or opposition leadership in Parliament. When it is boycotting plenary, Hon. Mukasa will remain loyal.
Born to Aloysius Kalyango of Kyengera Mugongo and Annet Nayiga of Mutundwe, Church Zone in Lubaga South, Mukasa deals in Food supplements and owner of Bex Limited, a company producing disinfectants.
Raised by his mother in Mutundwe Rubaga South, MP Mukasa owns a magnificent home in Najjankumbi. A very successful businessman with a State-of-the-art Hotel on Entebbe road, Mukasa single handedly tarmacked a road in St. Anna Zone near Faith Arena Church years before he even thought of contesting for MP and it was named after him by local leaders. A generous and hardworking young man, Mukasa says he is not in politics to look for a job but to be a conduit and a bold voice for development and changing the face of Lubaga South.
While meeting local and youth leaders in Mutundwe recently, Mukasa said, “Rubaga South needed a fresh substitute who speaks in Parliament and acts. I am a performer. We are tired of floods in Lubaga every time it rains, floods destroy our homes and sweep away businesses. This problem must end during my tenure. We pay huge taxes why get poor service?”
Because has remained solid on the cause, his return in 2026 is guaranteed. Both the party and constituents can’t lose such a workholic MP who is very smart in his political approach! He recently shifted his office from Ndeeba building at Kaipini and relocated it to a better and spacious place, which he will unveil any time soon.
Therefore who ever plans to contest against Hon. Mukasa in Rubaga South, we advise you not to waste your time and savings. This rich MP is still around for some time.
Hon. Mukasa will be in the 12th Parliament on NUP ticket.
Commonly known as ‘Ssuubi lya Busujju’, Hon. Kalwanga in May 2021 was appointed by NUP as a Representative in the Common Wealth Parliament.

MPs Veronica Nanyondo and Kalwanga. Middle is Mpigi District LCV Chairman. They were attending a party function
Before that, he was the only independent MP in Buganda who trounced president Museveni’s minister in 2016 elections. This was not common! He defeated then minister Vincent Nyanzi and won by 78%.

Hon. Kalwanga
In 2021, Nyanzi returned but still, Kalwanga defeated him and the old man got bedridden! If he dares him again in 2026, then Nyanzi will be having a serious medical problem because Kalwanga is now stronger and more experienced in vote protection and mobilization.
Ofcourse in last elections, a few hours to the polls, State merceneries tried to threaten Kalwanga and shot at his car but God was on his side. He manoeuvered.

Kalwanga taking on NRM’s Dr. Tanga Odoi during Oyam north MP by-election.
We are told, among those targeting Kalwanga’s seat is NRM’s Robert Kasibante of Nateete Victory School of Beauty but insiders say, this guy is swiming in money scandals and can’t be entrusted with such a Constituency which covers Busujju County having top Buganda Kingdom historical sites. Other contenders, analysts say, are just political jokers.
In his manifesto, Kalwanga promised to work on roads and he has fulfilled this through lobbying and injecting in his money.

Hon. Kalwanga joinig locals during Bulungibwansi in Busujju
He has set up a school to cater for secondary students, lobbied for healthy facilities and single handedly constructing Busujju Play ground worth 450M.
He is very close to Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi, loyal to Party bosses, popular in Churches & Mosques.
Both Bishop Anthony Zziwa of Kiyinda Mityana Diocese and the Anglican Bishops are good friends to Kalwanga, they see him as their son and normally meet to guide him.
Voters in Busujju are convinced that none of the aspirants fit in Kalwanga’s shoes.
A very jovial MP, down to earth and friendly, Kalwanga joined Parliament when he was already rich. He says, he is not in parliament to look for a job but to represent, make laws and lobby for his people.
He is in Mengo’s good books, single handedly finances Busujju County Masaza Team and bought an ambulance for his people.
NUP can’t substitute such a star. Expect Kalwanga to bounce back in the 12th Parliament.
She came as a substitute after the sudden death of her sister then MP for Bukomansimbi Susan Namaganda, a few days to 2016 polls and many thought, she will be an MP for only one term.
The Bukomansimbi district Woman Member of Parliament returned in 2021 this time on NUP ticket and with a rrsounding victory.
Because of her influence, Hon. Veronica Nanyondo covered the whole Bukomansimbi ldistrict with Red colour, helping the Party to win all the three constituences. Dr. Ndiwalana defeated NRM’s Ruth Katushabe in Bukomansimbi North and Hon. Solo Kayemba emerged winner for Bukomansimbi South Constituency beating DP’s Deogratius Kiyingi.

From left; MPs Ndiwalana and Nanyondo on duty
Bobi regards Veronica as one of his true Generals, very humble lady but aggressive and a real fighter.

When Hon. Nanyondo donated wheel chairs to physically disabled people in her constituency
Commonly known as Bbeeyiyabirime, Veronica is a darling in Catholic Churches, children and women groups. She supports farmers, women with seeds.

Most of her time, Veronica spends it in the Constituency with farmers or at Church, making it next to impossible for those who think of uprooting her
Come 2026, Hon. Veronica Nanyondo will bounce back in Parliament come rainfall or sundhine.
Among young men in politics who must be closely watched, is this Rubaga North Member of Parliament who started his journey in politics as a mere Councilor, to becoming a Speaker in KCCA and now MP and shadow minister in charge of Kampala and Metropolitan area.
This ghetto boy who grew up from Kawaala slums is a hardliner and very difficult to unseat.

Hon. Abubaker Kawalya
In 2021 elections, he defeated incumbent Moses Kasibante ‘Class monitor’, Beti Olive Namisango Kamya (current IGG) and many others. He won at all polling stations.
His first term in Parliament, Hon. Kawalya has performed so good making his political enemies to coil their tails and we strongly doubt whether they can risk daring him again in 2026.
A few days after he was appointed shadow cabinet minister in charge of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Hon. Abubaker Kawalya warned Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja on her planned move to send money to the ‘selected’ vulnerable poor saying it will be fought.
He said her move was unconstitutional, not backed by any law and discriminatory.
He wanted government to urgently think about better ways to cater for all the hungry especially people in Kampala whose businesses were closed yet statistics showed that most of them live from hand to mouth. He guided that Nabbanja should not to just hand-pick those to send relief as she is planing to do.
Kawalya said, it was time for the government to give back to the taxpayers so that hunger doesn’t kill them as they are locked up in their homes.
In his letter dated June 23rd 2021 which he copied to both the Leader of Opposition and Opposition Chiefwhip, MP Kawalya insisted, all Ugandans are equal, they all need Government bail out amidst such tough times so Prime minister should quickly think about this but not to be selective.
This was in reference to what Rt. Hon. Nabbanja said on Tuesday June 22 2021, upon assuming Office as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda about how government relief following the 11 + 42 days COVID-19 lockdown will only be extended to what she classified as the “vulnerable poor”, using mobile money transactions. Kawalya said the Prime minister is at the bad side of the law.
Hon. Kawalya reminded PM Nabbanja how under the Law, Ugandans are already classified into the aforementioned political, economic, social and cultural aspects, hence, “There is no legal basis whatsoever to purport to discriminate the same under the guise of vulnerable poor.” This proved him an MP for the people. He used his first salary to buy a brand new ambulance for his people to give free service.
He donated three motorcycles worth UGX 15M to a group of youth called Boda Boda Patrol, Lubya Chapter, who are remembered for voluntarily escorting NUP supreme leader Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi while traversing the whole country during 2021 Presidential campaigns.

Hon. Kawalya trying one of the motorcyles he donated to NUP foot soldiers in Rubaga North
These boys braved teargas, bullets and arrests which marred Hon. Bobi Wine’s campaign trail. They soldiered on until the end of those bloody campaigns.
At a function which was attended by political leaders in Lubaga, Hon. Kawalya saluted these youth for enduring all kinds of torture and brutality but remained strong and true to the struggle saying, they are worth being celebrated and rewarded for their love plus support to the principal Hon. Kyagulanyi and to the National Unity Platform (NUP) Party.
“Please, receive these three brand new motorcycles I have bought for you to thank you for the support you gave to Hon. Kyagulanyi, support you gave to me during my Member of Parliament campaigns and for supporting all NUP candidates. Use these boda bodas to make money, develop a saving culture so that by the time we come back here, these three motorcycles might have multiplied into six motorcycles.” MP Kawalya told a joyous group of NUP youth.
He implored them to embrace discipline and transparency in their endeavors in order to attain sustainable development, adding that, it’s not alien for members of the same development group to default or take advantage of others.
Kawalya visited Good Times Infant School in Kawaala, Rubaga Division where a domitory was gutted by fire killing a P.6 pupil instantly!
The very touched legislator, condoled with the parents, school leadership and pupils for this loss of life and property worth millions. He donated 50 bags of Cement to help in rebuilding the school.

And when hundreds of his people were illegally evicted by officials from The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and their property worth millions of shillings destroyed by heartless security officials, Kawalya rushed there and strongly condemned NEMA.
He bought food for the evicted people and also vowed to pursue this matter to Parliament, which he did.
He has supported churches and mosques with building materials, supports youth, women and as an area MP, is always available for his people.
He is so close to Bobi and sometimes, both drives in the same car.
Recently, Bobi delegated Kawalya to Canada for an official assignment. Be it in Parliament, Party headquaters or in the constituency, Kawalya is very strong like a rock. His return in 2026 is guaranteed.
The Foreign Affairs Shadow minister is one of Hon. Bobi Wine’s last bullets, he entrusted him with Kyadondo East Constituency where the NUP supremo served as Member of Parliament in 10th Parliament before he chose another political path.

Hon. Muwada Nkunyingi
Many including Kyagulanyi’s family members wanted to be endorsed to takeover Kyadondo East after Bobi but the Ghetto gladiator went for renown Human Rights lawyer, Muwada Nkunyingi who didnt disappoint NUP boss.
Those who wanted Kyadondo East MP seat included then Kasangati Mayor Tonny Ssempebwa who many believe, he worked tooth and nail when Bobi contested for Kyadondo East MP to make him sail through.
So he thought, it would be automatic for Hon. Ssentamu to passover the mantle to him since they were buddies. That card disnt work. Bobi was looking for a substitute who wont just be a listening post in Parliament and that was none other than, Muwada Nkunyingi. He in fact advised Ssempebwa to return for Kasangati Mayor but the guy refused and chose to go independent. He lost!
Even Khalid Ssimbwa made the same mistake. Because him and Bobi were known to each other since their youthful days and Khalid had many deals with Kyagulanyi, he thought that was enough for him to be given party ticket. He was wrong.
Bobi settled for Muwada who has performed excellently and used his docket of Foreign Affairs to fight for suffering Ugandans abroad. Bobi must be grateful to Hon. Muwada. Je has perfectly kept the candle burning in Kyadondo East.

MP Muwada donating food to Kyadondo East People
Insiders say, recently Tonny Ssempebwa returned home, apologised to Bobi and he redeployed him but still under Muwada.
We are told, Ssmpebwa will be given a ticket for Mayor Kasangati after all the incumbent who is serving on NUP ticket turned against the Party, MP Kagabo way, after he was elected.
In brief, Muwada’s seat is ringfenced, expect to see him in the 12th Parliament.
Please, wait for Part II of this story as we bring more NUP MPs who are safe and their win in 2026 is automatic. For views/comments on this story, please Whatsapp editor on 0772523039 or email us at newseditor.info@gmail.com