ALL roads on Saturday December 31st will lead to Kyambogo University Cricket Oval for the mega National Passover 2022 as Ugandans usher in new year 2023 in the presence of God! 
Passover is a National Born Again event that ends a year and ushers in a new year. This year’s Passover runs under the theme: ‘The Gibeon Encounter – More Than You Can Ask For’ 2nd Chronicles 1: 7-13.
Normally, Passover festival takes place at Mandela National Stadium Namboole but this year, it will be held at Kyambogo University where three big play grounds which accomodates about 100, 000 people have been spared for this big annual event, thanks to the organising committee.
For starters, Namboole is still under renovation courtsey of ministry of Education and Sports. It can not be used by public until work is done in June 2023.
The chief convener Presiding Apostle of the Born Again Faith in Uganda Dr. Joseph Serwadda who is also the lead Pastor at Victory Christian Church – Ndeeba has spoken to The News Editor Media, a leading news website and assured people of God from all walks of the country and outside Uganda that all is set for the Passover 2022, a National event! 

Dr. Serwadda told us how wiring of all lights and sound testing is done. 
“On Friday intercessors numbering to 15,000 were taken to Kyambogo for intercession to call for God’s presence of God this place.” Said Presiding Apostle Dr. Serwadda.
He notified us about how the final security meeting was also held at Kyambogo today for security teams to be briefed on who will take over which part at Kyambogo and how to detect elements of crime.
We are told, all places of sanitization have been set up and inspected in respect to Ministry of Health Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) in the fight against Covid 19.
On Saturday very early morning, Security will return with dogs to detect bombs.
Gates will officially open for public at 8am on Saturday morning. And who ever enters will be given a seat. 
Program will start with intercession and later, different preachers and chiors will take over.

Reading in the book of 2nd Chronicles 1: 7-13, Presiding Apostle Joseph Serwadda said, “God told us that the year 2023 will be having what is referred to as ‘the Gibeon Encounter between God and King Solomon.’
Dr. Serwadda said, “The meeting at Gibea can easily be explained as in that, at Gibea, where a Temple of God in Jerusalem was built on the big mountain called Jerusalem but it has a position called Gibeon. It is where God encounted with King Solomon after giving in his Sacrifice.”

Bible says, that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”
Solomon answered God, “You have shown great kindness to David my father and have made me king in his place. Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”
God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king, therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you. And I will also give you wealth, possessions and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have.”
Then Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the tent of meeting. And he reigned over Israel.
Dr. Serwadda said, such encounter between God and Solomon is not seen anywhere else. 
“In the new Testament Jesus said, whatsoever you ask for in my name, i will give it to you. That is commitment from heaven. That is an open cheque. What we are going for in Passover 2022 is an open cheque. Come with your player requests. God will answer all your prayers and He will add you all you have not asked for like he did to King Solomon.” Said Presiding Apostle.

Dr. Serwadda speaking at the function recently. He will lead thousands of people in an encounter as world welcomes new year 2023

Dr. Serwadda told us how, “God we serve tells his people what he will do for them. He is a God of promises. His promises make him different from other gods. When he speaks, it must come to pass.” 
He said what God is promising in passover 2022, will be achieved. 
“We have spent 20 years and each passover, each year had a special message. And people have been following. But all we said, came to pass. Also this will pass in this encounter”. Said Serwadda inviting people of God not to miss this encounter with God at the Passover 2022 at Kyambogo University.

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