APRIL 17, 2022  was Easter Sunday, the resurrection day of Jesus Christ.One very big lesson for us to learn is that, ‘We must obey God rather than worldly things. ‘
Although you are going through many hardships such as loans, family challenges, and anxiety, sickness, lack and loss of jobs among others, remain humble and be obedient to the risen Lord. 
Many will try to stop you or hinder your progress but our risen lord is encouraging us today to remain hopeful and continue spreading the gospel of True love, hope and peace since he is the way, the truth and Life.
Sometimes we behave like Simon Peter who had left his work of evangelization to go fishing, and in the end, he caught nothing. So, my dear brothers and sisters, we are called to remain hopeful and continue spreading the gospel message of hope, in order not to catch nothing. 
When we remain with him, and stay in him, he will surely reward us just like he did to his disciples. They caught many fish due to Jesus’ guidance. So, friend, don’t get bored and quit your family, job, or any hard situation due to challenges ABC-Z, stay around him, you will catch many opportunities. 
Life is a journey that needs patience to overcome it’s hardships like faith, we need to remain connected to Him. 
If you leave or accept any wrong directions due to pressure of the world you will catch nothing. Stay on the network of Christ.
Let us pray: ‘We pray for God’s providence and mercy in order to learn from Jesus and be humble like the disciples amidst of the challenges we encounter.’ Amen!
May Almighty God bless you in the name of the Father  the son and the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Writer is Rev. Dn. Andrew Ayebazibwe,  Kinyamatiska National Seminary


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