IN THE PHOTO ABOVE: Deputy Speaker Among (right) listening to King Oyo (Photo credit: Parliamentary Press forum)


THE Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among  (AAA), Deputy Speaker of the 11th Parliament was today hosted by the Omukama of Tooro Kingdom Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV at his Palace in Fortportal. 

Clad in Tooro cultural attire, deputy Speaker Anita mong held talks with the Tooro Supreme leader. She was accompanied by Government Chief Whip Hon.Thomas Tayebwa and a group of Members of Parliament especially those comming from Tooro Kingdom. They were received by King Oyo and Queen Mother Best Kemigisa.

Tomorrow September 14th 2021, people of Tooro will be celebrating 26 years when their King is on the throne.
We are yet to get details of Oyo and Deputy Speaker’s meeting. It is however suspected that Deputy Speaker was sent by H.E the President to deliver a very special message to Omukama.

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