G 20 MPs in a group photo with Samuel Mwebaza Joram, Lay leader of St. Stephen Church of Uganda, Lungujja in Rubaga North on Sunday


ON MONDAY morning, three Members of Parliament, two from greater Mityana and one from greater Luweero were seen sneaking into the office of NUP President Hon. Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine to repent for their sins of forming a pressure group code-named G20 without the party’s consent! 
These MPs whose names we will not reveal today, were seen trembling before the Party supreme leader when he quizzed them about the motive of this pressure group, plus when and where the party had it sanctioned.
“Mr. President we have come here to ask for forgiveness, we were misled by some colleagues who formed it and invited all of us, saying the party headquarters had no problem with us Honourable members if we come together under this umbrella to work hand in hand and visit each other in our constituencies.” Said one of the MPs from greater Mityana.
A tough speaking Bobi asked them whether they know the dangers of divisions amongst NUP members saying this works for the enemy and those behind G20 will be seen as perpetrators of disunity in the Party.
We are reliably informed, Kyagulanyi summoned other legislators who are members of G20 pressure group and quizzed them about their motive.
Insiders at the Party headquarters who leaked this info said, Kyagulanyi was very bitter about these MPs saying such pressure groups intend to weaken the party and kill the spirit of unity amongst all NUP legislators who form the majority of opposition MPs in the 11th Parliament.
We are told,  Kyagulanyi without mincing words, warned the clique of NUP MPs who formed G20 pressure group to be careful with their political cards because public can easily misinterprete them. This was after a certain party leader released a dossier attacking members of G20 pressure group.
In a statement posted on one of NUP members’ WhatsApp groups, this leader said, “We are yet to find out the mission of this so called G-20 of MPs who decided to isolate themselves from other NUPs MPs.
I have learnt how they are busy moving constituency to constituency energizing themselves on ground and getting ready for 2026.”
“We have no idea about the agenda of this group and what they are up to. It should be noted that NUP has over 55 MPs in parliament but some of these MPs under G20 decided to follow their hidden agendas.” Writes this NUP leader. 
He attacked these MPs for not visiting foot soldiers who were arrested, neither their families. He said, “How can you start planning for 2026 yet our agenda is to end the regime soonest?” He asked.

These attacks and the Kyagulanyi meeting came after a number of NUP MPs who are affiliated to G20 were on Sunday hosted by their colleague Hon. Abubaker Kawalya, MP Lubaga North.
G20 MPs who were hosted by Hon. Kawalya included; Hon. Geoffrey Lutaaya (Kakuuto County), Hon. Joyce Bagala Ntwaatwa (Woman MP Mityana District), Hon. Kayemba Solo (Bukomansimbi South), Hon. Mpalanyi Lukwago John Paul (DP Kyotera County), Hon. Dr. Ndiwalana Christine (Bukomansimbi North), Hon. Kiyaga Hilary aka Dr. Hilderman (Mawokota North) and Hon. Robert Ssekitoreko (Bamunanika County).
Others were; Hon. Katabaazi Emmanuel Katongole aka Muttanzige (Kalungu East), Hon. Fred Ssimbwa Kaggwa (Nakifuma County), Hon. Allan Mayanja Sebunya (Nakaseke Central), Hon. Lukyamuzi David Kalwanga (Busujju County), Hon. Fortunate Nantongo (DP Kyotera District woman MP), Hon. Charles Tebandeke (Baale Country), Hon. Christine Nakimweero (Kiboga District), Hon. Patrick Nsanja (Independent – Ntenjeru South), Hon. Saazi Godfrey (Gomba East), Hon. Kanyike Evans (Bukoto East), Hon. Wakayima Musoke (Nansana Municipality) and Kakembo Michael Mbwatekamwa (Entebbe Municipality).
According to one of the MPs forming G20, this Pressure group was informed to politically boost support for members in their constituencies so that they will not be shaken come 2026 polls.
They select a day to visit each member’s constituency, address his or her supporters and donate cash and other items to the host members in that he or she gives out what he pledged to his or her supporters.
The first round of the tour was at Bamunaanika Constituency represented by their colleague Robert Ssekitooleko. In Rubaga North, it was the second round of tour.
The host MP took his colleagues to three destinations within Rubaga North constituencies which included; St. Kizito Catholic Parish Namungoona, St. Stephen’s Church of Uganda Lungujja and Lungujja Kitunzi Market.
MP Kawalya had pledged 80 bags of cement to both St. Kizito Catholic Sub Parish Namungoona and St. Stephen’s Lungujja Church of Uganda towards the building projects. With the visiting members of G20, he fulfilled these pledges.
Hon. Kawalya made another cash contribution of UGX 400,000 to each of the Church Choirs. He had also pledged UGX 2M to Lungujja Kitunzi Market vendors’ SACCO. This money was also given to them.
Defending G20 pressure group, one of the members told us, “Alongside showing solidarity to members of this group, we also advance H.E Kyagulanyi’s generational cause. In Rubaga North, we uninanimously condemned State brutality towards fellow legislators Hon. Allan Ssewanyana and Hon. Muhammad Ssegirinya as well as other political activists coupled with gross human right violations.”
All said, the Kamwokya Party headquarters isn’t comfortable with this pressure group and worries are, the enemy can easily penetrate it and weaken NUP.
Political analysts say, FDC woes started when Dr. Kizza Besigye chose to form a number of pressure groups starting from Activists for Change  (A4C), For God and my Country (4GC)  and others. Besigye resettled from Najjanankubi party headquarters to Katongole road in Kampala for easy coordination of these pressure groups which government later banned. Since then, FDC has been nursing political wounds.
In the last elections, the once powerful opposition party performed poorly, their presidential candidate got only 4% votes.
To a new party like NUP, any pressure group formed within the party by a group of party members especially a section of MPs, can easily bring it down.
This is why NUP President had to act immediately when he got reports about this group.
It is highly suspected that NUP will ban this pressure group. We are told,  the MPs are free to visit each other but not forming pressure groups which will cause mistrust and disunity among party MPs.

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