Benefaciaries of Nankoma primary school receiving support from Owek. Dr. Joyce Abaliwano (left)


THERE is a jubilant mood allover Busoga and the surrounding areas among parents, guardians and the PLE 2020 candidates after the good performance.
According to the results released on Friday by Uganda National Examinations Board,all the sponsored candidates under the Ekigangu kya Busoga/Bidco bursary scheme who sat passed and are eligible to join secondary education.
One of the best pupils,Ismael Ntambi with 11 aggregates from Nankoma Primary School in Bugiri District attributed his performance to the availability of school dues courtesy of the scholarship.
“As a family,we would encounter challenges in meeting our obligation but with Bidco/Ekigangu paying my school dues,it enabled me concentrate making it inevitable for me to scoop a first grade and am grateful for the support”, Ntambi said pleading for more support in secondary as well. Others who performed well included Flavia Martha Nanyanzi with 12 aggregates from Nankoma Primary School, Bruno Azalwa with 12 aggregates from Iganga Boys Boarding Primary School,Jonathan Musasizi (child with disability) with 14 aggregates from Nabirumba Primary School in Kamuli District,Suudi Mukibi with 16 aggregates from Nabukalu Primary School,Susan Jackline Nyomera with 24 aggregates from Butumba Primary School among others.

Owek. Dr. Joyce Abaliwano Mulebeke, Team Leader Ekigangu kya Busoga also Minister for Gender, Women and Children Affairs argues that as an entity within the Kingdom, they look forward to increasing the number of children in school with emphasis on bright but vulnerable children with the girl child taking a lead.
“Increasing the number of children moreso girls who stay in school most especially at this difficult time where many girls have fellen prey to teen pregnancy is our top priority.We continue to deepen our crusade in agitating and supporting the education of the girl child and on behalf of management and Managing Directo,Rt.Hon.Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, we are very grateful to Bidco for partnering with us in this noble cause and we look forward to more of the same”. Dr.Joyce said. She also conveyed greetings from both the Kyabazinga and Prime Minister.

Bidco’s General Manager noted that as a corporate company giving back to the community is a priority under their social responsibility provided the support benefits and serves the genuine cause it was asked for.
“As a company, we don’t aim at profit maximization but we also associate with community causes that are geared towards improving the well-being of the people we serve and when the Kingdom team approached us for support moreover with education, we welcomed the idea. No wonder our support impacted on the final performance of the candidates which is encouraging”, the General Manager revealed committing Bidco’s willingness to continue supporting Ekigangu’s pro-people causes since it falls within their core value of their corporate social responsibility.
This is the second year running that Bidco continues to support bright but vulnerable children under Ekigangu kya Busoga established by the Kyabazinga of Busoga.
Other benefiting students under the Bidco/Ekigangu bursary scheme go to Nabirumba Seed School in Kamuli District, Kidera SS in Buyende District, Bunya SS and Mpungwe SS in Mayuge District, Nkutu Memorial SS in Bugweri District, Walibo Seed School in Luuka District, Kiribaki SS in Iganga District. Banda SS, Kifuyo SS, St.Philips Lwangosia, Buswale SS all in Namayingo District.


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