Hon. Kiwanda crying after he was forced to step down for Kibedi Nsegumire (left) in a race for Mityana North MP. This was late last year


UP to now, there are many unanswered questions as to how come, former Tourism and Wildlife Antiquities State Minister Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi was on Friday July 16th 2021 shockingly beaten by Kabula man James Kakooza, in the race for NRM flag bearer in the EALA by- election. 
In this well detailed story, The News editor investigations desk has a must read exclusive story on why Kiwanda lost.
For starters, hours to the polls, all indicators showed Kiwanda was winning with a highest percentage afterall he had Party chairman blessings and endorsement of CEC, the ruling party’s highest organ. However, the party caucus gave it to James Kakooza, denying Kiwanda a chance to go to EALA.
According to the results released by the NRM EC boss, James Kakooza was declared as the dully elected Member of Parliament to the East African Legislative Assembly 2021. He polled 93 votes (39.2%). Godfrey Kiwanda  Ssuubi finished second with 85 votes (35.9%), Abbas Mutumba had 54 (22.8%) votes, Kenneth Nsubuga Ssebagayunga polled 3 votes (1.3%), Nakato Kyabangi got only 1 vote (0.4%) and finally Umar Lule Mawiya didn’t get any vote. Only 1 vote was invalid.
Out of over 330 NRM MPs, only 233 turned up for voting. 90 MPs boycotted. We are told, most of the boycotting MPs had issues with CEC where Kiwanda is a member, that many were promised ministerial jobs if they vote Jacob Oulanyah for Speaker, a pledge which was not fulfilled. Now there was nothing to offer to vote for Kiwanda who was CEC’s choice. 

Prior to 2021 General elections, there was a drafted intelligence report which was leaked to this news Website implicating Hon. Godfrey Kiwanda in fighting Minister Judith Nabakooba and distablizing NRM in Greater Mityana. 
She was also the Woman member of Parliament for Mityana district.
This report was drafted by the then Mityana District Intelligence Security Officer (DISO) Mr. Fabiano Niwagaba and addressed to his bosses at ISO headquarters in Kampala.
According to this report, Kiwanda alongside then Mityana South MP Henry Kamya Makumbi and counsel Joseph Luzige the then Mityana district LCV Chairman allegedly wanted Hon. Nabakooba out of Parliament so that they remain the only NRM bulls in Mityana and position themselves for ministerial appointments in the cabinet reshuffle.
The report indicated that, with Kiwanda as a ring-leader, Luzige, Makumbi alongside one Haji Haruna Kibirige Nziiza (former NRM Chairman Mityana District) also plotted against former Minister Vincent Nyanzi who wanted in 2021 to oust NUP man Hon. David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga and bounce back as Busujju County member of Parliament.
“These fights have led to the three politicians (Hon. Kiwanda, Chairman Luzige and MP Kamya Makumbi) fielding Mrs. Deborah Kyazike against Hon. Judith Nabakooba and fielding Kato Kasujja against Hon. Vincent Nyanzi in Busujju Constituency”, read DISO’s report.
DISO Niwagaba warned how Kiwanda and team’s mission would jeopardise NRM in Mityana and instead pave way for a landslide victory of NUP’ dangerman Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake (Mityana Municipality MP) and other opposition figures. This came into reality in 2021 elections.
Apart from Hon. Kibedi Nsegumire who won in Mityana North, all top elective positions in greater Mityana from MPs, Disrict Chairman, Municipality mayor, sub county chairmen and councilors were swept by the opposition. DISO saw this coming according to his intelligence report.
He had warned how Kiwanda’s actions in Mityana were going to cost the party dearly in the elections.
When contacted about the leaked DISO report, Kiwanda and other leaders pinned by DISO Niwagaba and demanded that he is fired and be punished for what they called, writing nonsense to his security bosses.
Angry Joseph Luzige wrote, “Eee, how can someone write such nonsense? Is your intention to finish the Movement (NRM) by wrongly reporting? You are the worst enemy that intends to cause in-fighting amongst us as NRM leaders in Mityana. I am so much disappointed with this DISO.”
For Kiwanda he only wondered how DISO can write such a false report against him!

Drafted in November 2019, the report addresses Political Affairs in Mityana district.
DISO’s report read;
The political situation in the (Mityana) district remains generally calm except political rivalries amongst NRM candidates.
In Mityana North (represented by Kiwanda) there is hostile rivalry between Hon. Godfrey Kiwanda Suubi and Muhammad Nsegumire Kibedi (an NRM figure who wants to contest Kiwanda).
In Mityana South (represented by Makumbi), rivalry is between Hon. Henry Kamya Makumbi and Apollo Kazungu the district council Speaker.
In Busujju Constituency, it’s between Hon. Vincent Nyanzi (former area MP) and Haji Nuhu Kalyesubula. Both want NRM ticket to tussle it out with popular David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga (the incumbent).
Then there is a power struggle and fighting for ministerial positions by the LC5 Chairperson Joseph Luzige, Hon. Kiwanda and Hon. Makumbi.
The three fighting both Hon. Nabakooba and Hon. Vincent Nyanzi.
Each of the three is fighting to catch the eye of President Museveni for political appointments.
Another confusion is headed by the funder/sponsor of People Power, the father of Hon. Francis Butebi Zaake who uses ‘NRM cadres’ like John Kabango the NRM Chairman of Mityana Municipality, Kayiwa, Bigambo (NRM Chairman Tamu Division) and Haruna Mabirizi to distablize NRM.
They are with NRM in the day, and with People Power at night.
The confusion was brought by (then) Acting NRM chairman Mityana district Haji Haruna Kibirige Nziiza who among the four candidates fighting for the flag of NRM candidate for Mityana Municipality, he favours his son Abraham Luzzi. He doesnt want him to follow the due process. 
Others are; John Mary Bugembe, Kakumba and Charles Sserugga Matovu (Munnakyalo). Nziiza wants Luzzi to run as NRM sole candidate. He doesn’t  want him to go through NRM Primaries leaving the three other contenders very furious.
Nziiza calls the office of the RDC and that of the DISO biased and therefore belonging to opposition. This is because as Security chiefs, we asked for his son (Luzzi) academic documents.
Comments: The (then) NRM Chairman Hajji Nziiza needs to be tamed for he is busy chasing away people from the party and other NRM candidates because of his abusive language and recklessness.

Instead of implementing what was in the DISO’s report, we are told,  some of the pinned NRM top leaders in Mityana put pressure on ISO boss in Kampala to recall Niwagaba accusing him of writing a bogus report.
He was indeed recalled only for his prophesy to come true early this year when Judith Nabakooba was defeated by NUP’s Joyce Bagala Ntwatwa. 
On losing her MP seat, Nabakooba spent the whole night crying and cursing Kiwanda who is said to have used his position of NRM Vice Chairperson Buganda region to confuse her supporters. She vowed to make him cry one day!
Because of the disunity among top guns in Mityana, Kamya Makumbi lost to DP’s Richard Lumu for MP Mityana South, Kibedi Nsegumire narrowly survived NUP’s Gordon Ssematiko in Mityana North, Zaake massively defeated NRM’s John Mary Bugembe in Mityana Municipality, and Luzige was defeated by NUP young man Patrick Mugisha.
In Busujju, NUP’s David Lukyamuzi Kalwanga defeated NRM’s Vincent Nyanzi while for Mayor Mityana Municipality, NRM iron lady Esther Ndyanabo was shown exit by NUP’s Faustine Mukambwe Lukonge.
In Greater Mityana, NUP took over Kassanda South MP seat, Kassanda North and woman MP Kassanda district. Kassanda mayor is a DP man.
Now NRM insiders say, their party humiliation in Greater Mityana was entirely due to political blunders orchestrated by Kiwanda and his team.

Insiders say, no one influenced Kiwanda’s EALA loss like this President Museveni’s blue eyed girl, Judith Nabakooba.
Her camp was the happiest when Kiwanda lost to Kakooza on Friday last week.
The two are sworn enemies, Nabakooba camp says no one fought their candidate in the last elections like Kiwanda. In fact her loss is blamed on Kiwanda and his clique.
It is believed, on realizing that Nabakooba was a darling to the president, Kiwanda chose to fight her and lose MP seat so that Muzeeyi will have no option but to reappoint him a minister in respect to a cut deal for Kiwanda to leave Mityana North seat to Kibedi Nsegumire.
Little did Kiwanda know that Muzeeyi had intelligence briefing about what transpired in Mityana.
When Nabakooba lost, Muzeeyi felt sorry and publicly consoled her. President hailed Nabakooba for fighting land grabbing in Mityana.
In his new cabinet, Museveni appointed Nabakooba the Lands cabinet minister and dropped Kiwanda! This was a blow to the axed Tourism State minister. To show how angry he was, Museveni did not deploy any one in the Kiwanda clique.
When EALA polls came,  it was an opportunity for Nabakooba to pay Kiwanda. We are reliably informed, Nabakooba’s camp secretly mobilized MPs not to vote Kiwanda referring to him as a green snake in  green grass.
Each MP who listened to Nabakooba’s story in Mityana and how Kiwanda fought NRM candidates paving way for NUP’s win, got annoyed and this is how things changed for Kiwanda at the 11th hour. Many Female MPs did not vote Kiwanda accusing him of fighting their own Nabakooba.

Since his election as Mityana North MP, NRM’s Kibedi Nsegumire has been hosted on different media platforms and blasted Kiwanda for fighting him during campaigns.
While featuring on a certain government owned tv station a few days after elections, Nsegumire said NUP Ssematiko camp had meetings in one of Kiwanda’s home to strategies on how to win NRM.
He even talked about NUP vote tallying done in Kiwanda’s home.
Nsegumire said Kiwanda was a very bad hearted man who lied that he had stood down for him in Mityana North for him to concentrate on the CEC office. 
Analysts say, Kiwanda was worried that if Nsegumire wins Mityana North MP seat, he had better chances to scoop the ministerial slot and him (Kiwanda) be dropped.
So for Kiwanda to remain the only bull in the kraal, Nsegumire didn’t have to win. For those who were at Kololo say, Nsegumire strongly mobilized for Kakooza.

Both Kiwanda and Kakooza were members in the 10th Parliament. One of the Kakooza stong campaign tools, Kiwanda is a CEC member with a deployment in Buganda where the party performed very poorly in last elections.  
He asked NRM MPs not to overload Kiwanda, let him concentrate on regaining NRM lost glory in Buganda and they send a ‘jobless’ Kakooza to the EALA front. This reasoning won many votes for a soft speaking Kakooza who has no blackspots not like Kiwanda with many crimes committed against party members.  

The clique which fought so hard to fail Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga Speakership bid this time came for Kiwanda!
For starters, Kiwanda worked for this clique and was heard everywhere decampaigming and speaking ill about maama Kadaga.
Little did he know that the same clique will come for him.
Kiwanda has been referring to himself as NRM’s No.4 not knowing this was annoying this powerful clique.
Before cabinet reshuffle, he told his friends how he was the favourite for VP job. Operatives who were monitoring Kiwanda must have written a bad report about him and this ambitious man had to be handled or else he might disturb their project.
Political analysts say, Kiwanda has to be extra careful, avoid over talking and much excitement. It’s this that caused him problems. Those who take themselves to be all knowing in NRM, have politically ended badly.
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