YUSUF NSIBAMBI, the embattled Kampala District Land Board Chairman who is also FDC Electoral commission top man and Attorney General Dr. Kizza Besigye’s Peoples Government, is in hot soup!

Orphans of NRA bush war Cordinator Paul Kivumbi have petitioned H.E President Museveni saying Nsibambi stole their family home sitting on about five hectares of land worth UGX 1.5B in Kalagala – Nkozi, Mawokota South, Mpigi district and threw them out.

Where the arrow points is the magnificent Kivumbi home now occupied by Yusuf Nsibambi in Kalagala, Nkozi, Mawokota South

Their three paged petition has been delivered to the President and we have been reliably informed, investigations into this are already underway.
This comes at a time when the same Nsibambi is being grilled by the Parliamentary Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) on Asian property give away bonanza where about 200 land titles in Kampala were given away through unclear ways.

Late Paul Kivumbi

In a petition signed by Florence Nakiganda daughter to late Paulo Kivumbi on behalf of the family, they want Nsibambi to vomit their home which they allege he illegally occupies.
“Your Excellency, we petition you about our late father’s Estate in Mawokota Block 254, Plot 150 grabbed by Counsel Yusuf Nsibambi. He heartlessly threw our father out of his property which led to his untimely death.” Reads the Petition which was received by President Museveni’s Presidential Press Secretary office on February 11th 2020 and leaked to media.

The Chilren who petitioned the president are; Richard Kaboggoza (Heir), Mathias Buyungo, Rose Nakimbowa, Francis Sonko, Florence Nakiganda, Jane Nakiriggya, Noelina Lunkuse,  Maggie Nabachwa and Irene Nakivubo.

Others are;  Pauline Gwokyalya, Jude Ssenkungu, Josephine Nalutaaya,  Annet Nammande, Dorah Nakiriggya,  Henry Luwanno,  Martin Jjemba, John Bosco Lutaaya and Maria Nakiwala.

Kivumbi children want Nsibambi out of their home

Your Excellency, we greet you and thank you for your wise leadership.
We are the Children of late Paul Kivumbi, who was a resident of Kalagala, Nkozi in Mpigi district.
Our late father served as a coordinator during the 1981-1986 NRA liberation guerilla war, alongside Edward Mugalu (late) and Dr. Samson Kisekka (late).
Our father and Edward Mugalu used to fundraise for the liberation war and by that time, they were in Kenya.
He died in March 10th 2010 a stressed and disgruntled man after Counsel Yusuf Nsibambi, a son he gave Education support turned against him and fraudulently possessed his Estate comprising a family home sitting on 5 acres of land in Nkozi.
Our father died homeless and very unhappy! 

House taken by Nsibambi

Our father got a loan from African Development Bank, managed by Uganda Development Bank under line of credit 90/12 of 1997.
The loan was in three phases; Footwear machinery at 29059 Sterling pounds, Shoe raw materials @ USD 43800 and Toyota Hilux Pick Up truck @ 1.2M Japanese Yens. Total loan amount was estimated to be UGX 126M. Our father was servicing well his loan.
In 2002, the bank was privatised. The loan was transferred to Non-Performing Assets Recovery Trust (NPART).
He started servicing his loan in NPART for two years.
Your Excellency, when NPART contract got expired in 2005, our father’s property was advertised.
Our father wrote to you and the waiver of 50% of the remaining debt was given.
He continued servicing the loan unfortunately, NPART was closed after it’s contract was over.
On a certain Sunday morning, our father was evicted from his home without an eviction Notice. 
He was told, one Isa Lubowa had bought our house from the bank. This was unbelievable. Little did we know that Yusuf Nsibambi had a hand in this, to take away our property.
We went for inquiries and Mr. Nsibambi acted as the  family lawyer. He was in fact  an invisible hand, dealing with some elements to rob us of our home.
On being thrown out of his home by NsibambI people, our father developed high blood pressure and this was the cause of his untimely death.
Later, a shameless Nsibambi told us how he had bought our home title from NPART and wanted us to refund him UGX 15M to give us the property. By then we had no money.
When we mobilized the money, he changed goal posts now to UGX 30M. Then UGX 100M and today he want UGX 200M!
When our father died, we wanted to conduct burial ceremony at our home. Nsibambi reluctantly allowed us to be there and vacate ‘his’ premises in three days time.
Up to now, he is still using our home.
When we made consultations as a family, we discovered that there was no transaction between the highest bidder, and non performing trust.
After search, we discovered that, the mortgage on our title is still intact.
Bank officials told us, before they had privatised the bank, they had transferred the title to non performing trust for debt recovery.
NPART told us that, Isma Lubowa won the bid.
But never showed us the transaction between the highest bidder and non perfoming trust.
Your Excellency, this is why we are petitioning your office to intervene and help us get back our house from Nsibambi who acquired it through unclear ways.
Our father trusted Nsibambi but he turned against him and the whole family.

Entrance to Kivumbi’s home occupied by Nsibambi

When ever we talk about our house, he threatens us with courts of law and boasts of  being a wealthy and  powerful lawyer so we can not win him in anyway. He barred us from stepping into our late father’s home.
This is why we are requesting for your help. Your intervention dear Mr. president will be a big relief for us the orphans and will go along way in showing Ugandans that there is still hope. 
We will be forever indebted to you dear president when you help us handle this case.

In a letter dated January 29th 2018 to Herbert Kwikiriza cordinator Non Performing Assets and Recovery Trust  (NPART), Ministry of Finance,  Planning and Economic Development, Uganda Development Bank  (UDB) wanted clarifications about Mawokota Block 254 plot 150 at Nkozi – Land Title (Client: M/S Paul Kivumbi).
“Reference is made to the captioned matter and our previous communication to you via a letter dated December 01st 2018 in respect of the same to which we are yet to receive a response.” UDB letter to NPART by Elewa Apamaku, Acting. Company Secretary, reads.
This letter was copied to Mr. Mathias Buyungo Kivumbi of Ms. Paul Kivumbi Foundation.

Letter from UDB to NPART about Kivumbi’s title

Mr. Elewa said, “The purpose of this communication is to follow up on this matter and and request for a response to enable us manage the client’s expectations appropriately.”
Uganda Development Bank insists, the land title belongs to Paul Kivumbi and the mortgage is still attached. 
“As a Bank, our client’s mortgage in the A/C name of St. Joseph shoe shop and industry is still intact. We are only waiting for any one claiming to have bought Kivumbi title, then he or she explains how were the transactions.” UDB legal department said.

Mathias Buyungo Kivumbi, elder son to late Paulo Kivumbi says, their father died cursing Nsibambi for stealing his land title worth UGX 1.5 billions.”For those who happened to meet our father a few years before he passed on, they must have heard him with their ears, cursing Yusuf Nsibambi for stealing his title and a magnificent house. I don’t see my father ever forgiving Nsibambi until he returns what doesn’t belong to him.” Said Kivumbi’s son.

Mathias Kivumbi

He told the News Editor Online that, “When NPART contract got expired in 2004, Nsibambi called us to his office. He said that, ‘NPART has been closed but good enough, I have your land title here in my office. I gave some people money and they stole this title for me. It’s here but you  have to refund my money which amounts to 15 million Uganda shillings.’ Our attempts to bargain hit a hardrock as he ordered us out of his office.”
Kivumbi’s children mobilised the 15M but Nsibambi had changed his mind and now wanted 30M. From 30 million he hiked to 100M and today he wants 200M to give them  back their family home and title.
Investigations show, the whole process was married with forgery and fraud within NPART, there were no bid documents and there were no transactions between the highest bidder and NPART.
Kivumbi family says, the title just got lost only to be found in Nsibambi’s office.
“During our investigations, NPART told us, they were given mandate to sell the property but were not given the title. Doesnt this mean Isma Lubowa, who Nsibambi claims to have bought Kivumbi land title and later sold it to Yusuf Nsibambi, sold him air? Where did then Nsibambi get our land title from when NPART claims they didn’t have it?” Asked Kivumbi’s son.
Uganda Development Bank legal department is very clear on this. 

According to Kivumbi’s son:
Our father got a loan from Uganda Development Bank and was servicing it well until when govt companies were privatised.
According to the Bank, our father’s title was among the non performing assets transfered to NPART. 
But ours was performing because we were servicing the loan. 
African Development Bank was the owner of line of credit. And it said, all clients with loans are waived and Uganda is forgiven.
 NPART was in charge of collecting the loan and even when their contract got expired Mr. Kivumbi continued servicing his loan up to until when Mr. Nsibambi told my dad how his title was missing from NPART. Later the same person claimed he has it but needed 15M.
We want to know, to whom did either Isma Lubowa or Nsibambi pay to buy our title? Who were the bidders? Where is the transfer Lubowa or Nsibambi got from NPART? How come, Nsibambi who first told our family that the title was stolen, is again in possession of it? Who is that thief? Can Nsibambi show us the receipt from UDB removing the mortgage? If the Bank still has a mortgage on this title since 2004, isn’t this enough evidence that it is still a property of the bank? If NPART sold Kivumbi’s title, why didn’t they go to the Bank and remove the mortgage? When you buy a property in Bank, it transfers the property to the new buyer, how come ours was never transferred.
If Nsibambi is genuine, why did he keep on inflating the money he wanted us to refund so that he gives us our Title? 

In his defence, Yusuf Nsibambi says he bought the title from one Isma Lubowa.


“Kivumbi failed to clear the loan and his title was sold off to Isma Lubowa. I later bought it and i use it whenever I go to the Mawokota South constituency. Those children who are making noise,  where were they when their father failed to pay the loan? Those are drunkards, let them keep in bars. It’s my house, I took it over. Nothing for free.” Said Nsibambi.
Asked why the mortgage is still on now for 16 years yet he claims to have bought it, Nsibambi who claims to be extra rich and that his Children are working in United Nations, they will never read about this,  he told us it will be removed at his wish.

Wait for the full recorded interview with Nsibambi and why his defence on Kivumbi’s house leaves out many un answered questions.


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