AT a Kwanjula function in Ndodo Village, Kamengo Subcounty in Mpigi district, NRM former Mpigi district woman Member of Parliament Sarah Nakawunde Temulanda embarassed herself before Mzee Lwanyaga’s guests when she started a fight against opposition NUP Mpigi iron lady Joan Lule Nakintu.
Temulanda who is struggling for a political come back was seated near her political threat Joan Lule and cameras captured her uncomfortable in a seat next to this star journalist of ‘Sitima y’amaka’ fame. 
At some incidents, Sarah Temulanda was seen covering her face whereas youthful Joan Lule was busy enjoying the kwanjula gimmicks displaying her known killer smile!

The Mpigi faded politician started provoking Joan Lule into a fight to disorganise Betty’s function who was introducing her hubby Simon to her parents, however, Joan Lule ignored the NRM lady.
Temulanda who faced public wrath in 2021 polls for her NRM Party, decided to throw an empty bottle of water targetting the face of Joan Lule, thank God, she missed the target.
On noticing this, Joan just looked at Temulanda, and smiled at her. 

When the Master of Ceremonies invited Joan Lule to greet Mzee Lwanyaga’s guests, she used this opportunity to condemn Temulanda’s behaviour to the extent that she took water and after threw an empty bottle at her political nemesis.
“I contested for Mpigi district woman Member of Parliament in 2021 and victory was snatched from my hands. You all know me i don’t have a personal vandetta against any one, i am a jovial lady. I don’t want to be a stressed woman. But someone, at this function, wanted to start a war against me and has been provoking me to lose my temper.” Said NUP’s Joan Lule.
Amidist ululation from people who gathered at Lwanyaga’s home Joan Lule without mincing words said, “Hon. Nakawunde Temulanda has thrown an empty bottle of water at me where i was seated. At first i thought she didnt intend it and waited for her to say sorry to me but in vain. A word sorry soothes the heart and Betty learn to say sorry whenever you offend Simon, don’t be like Sarah Temulanda who was poorly brought up.”
Joan Lule who was cheered  by her suporters demanded that, Hon. Nakawunde comeover and make a public apology so that peace could prevail.

The former Mpigi district Woman Member of Parliament jumped to her feet and forcefully grabbed the microphone which Joan was  using. The ever beaming Joan calmly reminded her to stop embarassing herself before Mzee Lwanyaga’s guests.
“I think you have seen Temulanda, she can’t even ask for a microphone, just grabs it by force! Betty in your mariage, never behave like Sarah Temulanda. She is ill manered!
At first, Joan Lule a renown voice of women and defender of human rights congratulated Betty on her introduction and and thanked Simon for taking this brave step. She excited women when she urged simon to be generous saying mariage is sweet when a man is not stingy.

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