ENG. JOSEPH Sewava, National Cordinator for ‘Mzee Tova ku ballot’, a massive pressure group calling for ruling NRM Chairman Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s return for President in 2026 General Elections has announced prayer sessions for The Head of State who is in house- confinement since Wednesday June 7, 2023 when he was a confirmed corona-positive test. 
According to Sewava a Special Holy Mass for the President will take place at Christ the King in Kampala at 12:00 pm today.

PHOTO; When President Museveni met Eng. Sewava (1st on his right) and other members of ‘Mzee tova ku ballot’ during presidential trail to Greater Masaka, recently

Tomorow, prayers will be held at All saints Church Kampala. And full program for other places of worship will be given in details.
President Museveni whose doctors are doing everything possible to see him return on duty, missed Heroes Day and delegated Prime minister Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja Musafiri.
Speaking to The News Editor News Website Mr. Sewava said, “As team ‘Mzee tova ku Ballot’We continue to pray for Our dear President to get well soon and continue with his daily assignments for the country. We thank God for his improvement, we witness the healing power (Psalms 103:2-3)”

In her tweet which has gone viral, First lady Mama Janet Kataha Museveni has thanked all those praying for her husband and the family.
Tweet reads; “Bishops, pastors, brothers, sisters in Christ, men and women of God, today, the Lord leads me to thank you for your prayers for the health of the President, myself, and our entire family. Thank you for standing in the gap especially for your President, because the enemy, who has never known that he was defeated at the cross when Jesus said, ‘it is finished,’ is still trying to harm the servant of God.” However, First Lady said, “The enemy has no chance because that battle was won by the Lord on that day. And by His stripes, all of us are healed, and we stand strong and whole, forevermore!”
“Therefore, I only need to say, ‘Thank you’ to all of you who are kind and gracious enough to stand with us in this season. We are not afraid because we know that with God on our side, we will indeed triumph.” Reads Mrs President’s message.

According to his tweet on Sunday June 11, 2023, President wrote; 
“Greetings. It is now day 5 of my corona-status. Last night, I slept very well up to the 10th hour of the night (saa kumi za usiku –what the Europeans call 4am). This time, the dull headache was not there, nor was the mild throbbing (enkuratima) on top of the head (oruhoora-hoore). Initially, on Wednesday, there was also some mild muscle soreness (kutonekara), typical of the usual flu. The soreness I was feeling on Wednesday was less than one would feel with the usual flu. That soreness of muscles, has now gone. Also, some roughness (obugiimbi) on the throat, has gone. 
However, we carried out corona tests today and they were still positive. We shall wait for a few more days and check again. I remain in self-isolation at Nakasero. In my self- isolation, I have had time to watch some UBC wealth creation programmes, apparently, captured by the Presidential Press Unit (PPU). They are most pleasing to watch. It seems that Ugandans in the countryside are getting our message of getting out of okukolera ekidda kyoonka (tic me ic keken) – subsistence farming. UBC should replay those programmes. In the cattle corridor, with the dairy; in the Masaka Region with coffee, bananas and palm oil; in the Luwero Triangle with coffee; etc., Ugandans are waking up. The spokesmen of the parasites that are always writing negatively in the Monitor Newspaper, can continue deceiving themselves but Uganda is moving. Kahendekye, taita mbogo (cursing a buffalo, does not break its leg). Ebikolimo by’enkonko, tebitta kamunye (the noises made by hens, do not kill a kite). Again, I advise all of you to get fully vaccinated against corona and the elderly should get the boosters.   
A day before Museveni wrote, “Day 4 of my corona status, has seen me assault, all day long, 3 loadfulls of government papers. I started at 6:30am (Saa kumi na mbiri, in our African languages, na nusu.) 
The corona virus, by domesticating me, is helping me to catch up with my paper work. The symptoms are more mild than yesterday. In the night, slight throbbing (enkuratima) in the ruhoorahoore area of the head. This is the part of the head that has a gap in children. Also, some slight roughness on the throat. 
Otherwise, I am even tempted to do my push-ups, but common sense reminds me not to disturb the bio-chemistry of the body where the war with the enemy (the virus) is going on with additional strains on the body. 
All the NRM cadres and followers should continue to understand the importance of robust health. I always avoid factors that can cause ill-health, not because I fear being sick but because I detest missing the struggle for Africa’s freedom. Our grand fathers’ generation (the founders of the ANC of South Africa in 1912, George Padamore, W.B. Dubois, Kabalega, etc.), our fathers’ generation (Nkurumah, Kenyatta, Nyerere, Mandela, etc.), our own generation (Samora Machel, Ngaraang, etc.), our children’s and grandchildren’s generations, are generations of the African anti- colonial resistance for Africa to survive and thrive. Our health is, therefore, a weapon in the fight against imperialism and all Africa’s enemies. You cannot fight when you are sick as well as you can fight when you are healthy. I am not sick in bed, but I have been house- confined, since Wednesday 7th when I had a confirmed corona-positive test. Consequently, I missed Heroes Day yesterday, where our daughter Nabbanja did a great job; I could not meet the guests I had invited from UAE and I have cancelled my plan to go to Kisozi tomorrow to supervise the half-yearly de-worming of my cattle. Therefore, health is not only wealth but also part of the weapons of the struggle. Afya ni utajiri na vile vile ni chombo cha mapambano ya kimapinduzi (part of the instruments of the revolutionary struggle). Otherwise, the Heroes Day went well. I thank the organizers and the Rt. Hon. Nabbanja. Our People are beginning to get the message of homestead incomes with ekibaro (cuura, aimar). It is dairy in the cattle corridor and coffee in upper Bulemeezi (Semuto etc.). I thank all the Ugandans that are wishing me a quick recovery. Maama Janet was tested on the 7th evening and all the tests were negative (rapid, PCR, etc.). We thank God for that. We have, therefore, been using different parts of the house ever since. 
On Heroes day Museveni wrote. “It is now day 3 in my Corona status. Yesterday, day 2 of my corona status, I felt very sleepy around 11am (the fifth hour of the day according to we, the People of the Tropics), yet I had slept well the previous night. Hence, I slept soundly up to the ninth hour of the day (3PM according to the People of the Temperate lands).
When I woke up, I was fresh and I wrote a short speech for the Rt. Hon. Nabbanja to give in Luwero today. I sent Nabbanja to Luwero because the VP, Alupo, is representing us in Lusaka- COMESA summit. I slept at the fourth hour of the night, which the Europeans call 10PM and woke up at the 9th hour of the night (Shaaha mweenda z’ekiro) with a slight vague headache. I call it vague because it was not obwaabe (temples headache), it was not oruhora-hoore (the crown of the head) headache and it was not around the engata (the ring) of the head. When I sat up and drank more water as advised by my daughter Patience Kokundeeka, the headache went away and I slept again. According to my longtime doctor, Diana Atwiine, this is a mild case and should be managed conservatively by using vitamin C, other vitamins, especially –D and some anti-histamines. “What are the other cases described as?” I asked Dr. Atwiine. The other cases could be described as: moderate or severe. These according to her, need different interventions. When Atwiine announced my corona-status the other day, I am the one who told her to do it. I was still busy with other issues. I will wait for two more days and do the test again. It seems immunization and the boosters for the immunization, do help. I will keep you informed. Let everybody be fully vaccinated and for the elderly get boosters. 
Here at News Editor Media, we keep our Prayers in Prayers and wish him a very quick recovery.

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