Mr. Kagenyi addressing Manafwa district leaders


CLOSING a three days’ training Workshop aimed at senstizing Manafwa district leaders about Parish Development Model (PDM), a new government initiative targeting poverty eradication, Deputy RDC Kagenyi Lukka has threatened to arrest and prosecute in courts of law any leader who will eat this money or sabotage the program.
Deputy RDC emphasised the need to monitor government programs for effective service delivery. He also called upon the Town clerks, subcounty chiefs, Town agents and parish chiefs to desist from corrupt tendencies. The Workshop took place at Butiru Town Council headquarters in Butiru Constituency, Manafwa district.
Mr Kagenyi who also warned the accounting officers against soliciting money from the people who seek government services said, “With Parish Development Model funds, there will be no excuse. If any leader eats this money or in any way sabottages a government program, I will arrest you and be prosecuted. Let us work as a team so that PDM benefits our people.” Said Deputy RDC Kagenyi Lukka. 
The National rollout program for PDM starts on June 10, 2022 and by June 15, 2022, money will be on the accounts. 
Each Parish in the whole country will get 17 million as a pilot study and in the next financial year, every parish will be given 100. 
At Butiru Town Coucil headquaters, training started with Subcounty chairpersons, town council mayors and LCV councilors representing subcounties at the district. 
On day two, it was training for councilors representing Parishes at the Subcounties. “Day three, we have been sensitising Subcounty chiefs, town clerks from town councils,  parish chiefs and town agents. 
There training was special, we have trained them as Training of Trainers (TOTs). They are are in charge of going to the ground to spread this information about PDM.”
Deputy RDC revealed to this News Website shortly after the workshop.
He urged all leaders to work in line with the four principles put together by President Museveni which he named the ‘Four acre model’.
Mr. Kagenyi told leaders that PDM has a very good concept, but 60% of members who are going to form PDM Sacco will be at the House hold level, those who have been practicing substance farming. 
“And we have to sensitize them for Mindset Change so that they turn to commercial Agriculture. That is,  growing food crops for home consumption and the surplus for sell.” Deputy RDC told Manafwa district leaders.
He also talked about another group of people making 40%, the Enterprise Groups. Those who roast maize, bodaboda riders, informal sector or low income earners. 
He categorically told leaders that, for PDM, unlike the previous government interventions intended to fight poverty that didn’t succeed, this one must bear fruit.
He talked about programs like Bonabagaggawale, Youth Livelihood Program (YLP), Peace Recovery and Development Program (PRDP) in Northern Uganda and Eastern part of the country affected by the Kony war, Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program (UWEP) and NAADS which was later amalgamated into Operation Wealth Creation (OWEC).
“OWEC performed well. The other ones didn’t succeed due to the bureaucracy put for people who wanted loans. It brought corruption, Nepotism and favouritism. This won’t be acceptable in PDM. There must be transparency. Manafwa must be a model district. Kindly let us work as a team.” Deputy RDC Kagenyi asked district leaders.
After closing the trainig workshop, Mr. Kagenyi visited Sibanga Health centre III where he was heard asking about the turn up for Covid vaccinations. He later visited Sibanga Seed School in Butiru Constituency. 
For starters, Manafwa has two constituencies, Buburo West and Butiru. Buburo East contituency is in Namisindwa district, which was curved from Manafwa district.

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