Pastor Nsubuga praying for the sick
I READ a touching story published by News Editor news website about a move to tax churches and pentecostal tv stations for playing music of gospel artists who affiliate to an organization called Uganda Performing Rights Society (UPRS).
In the story, Pastor Solomon Mwesige, head pastor of Good News Church located in Bulenga, Wakiso district on Mityana road, also owner of KS (King Solomon) TV vowed to stop playing of Ugandan gospel music on his television and banning of gospel artists having membership with UPRS to sing in his church.
This was as result of an invoice worth UGX 2M sent to KS TV by UPRS for playing music of gospel artists something which angered Pastor Solomon Mwesige and he directed that music belonging to members of UPRS should not be played again on his tv. Among songs banned are those of Brian Lubega, who started his music career in this Bulenga church.
Although UPRS may have a right to some extent, i vividly think that if churches and pentecostal TVs ban gospel musicians who are members of UPRS, the society may not lose as much as the artistes themselves!
This is because these artistes (gospel singers) will in the long run be abandoned by their own (the church of Christ) as they will be seen as ‘selling off’ that which was freely given to them by Christ. Also click and read this story: BORN-AGAIN PASTORS BAN ARTISTS, GOSPEL SONGS OVER ‘NEW TAX’ ON CHURCHES & TVS
The book of Mathew 10:8 talks about healing the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons, give as freely as you have received.
Much as one needs to benefit from their God-given gifts, we should not determine the mode of benefiting but should always trust God for His blessings.
I support Pastor Solomon Mwesige because indeed UPRS didn’t make those artistes but the church did! The church helped in discovering those unique gifts and it supported them through allowing platform to those artistes even when no one knew them.
Good News Church Pastors Doreen and Solomon Mwesige
So it is weird to think that a gospel song for example that of Brian Lubega is played at a cost in especially an environment which nurtured him and others. This is like building a hospital and you ask your parents to pay before receiving services.
I would advise that all genuine gospel artistes should come out with a clear statement on the matter at hand before regrets are made in the near future because Europe will never be a cradle-land for a Ugandan.
A gospel artiste has no big difference from a Pastor, prophet or an evangelist.
The basic distinction is the nature and measure of calling given to all of us by the same spirit of God.
Therefore, I would expect that if one has been elevated by God to sing popularly beyond the four corners of the church, he/she should not think so much more than the real recipients of the intended message from their calling. Otherwise, very soon you will hear another society of pastoral gospel preachers who cannot preach until money is put on their tables.
This should be condemned and arrested before God calls you off the podium to mount on it those who can faithfully serve Him. (Psalms 75:6-7 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another)
My last submission for now has a simple question towards the said artistes: If it is God who blessed you with that super voice, gave you the song revelation, provided for you the studio fees, gave you promotion and favor among His people, gave you the free gift of salvation. Should we conclude that this same God has guided you to charge his church taxes to listen to the very glorious message He gave freely through you?
Secondly, were you led by the conviction of the Holy Spirit (who revealed to you the melody and ryrics in that song before signing contracts/agreements with the said UPRS or you were led by your own desires and people pressures just like how Saul in the bible did? (1Samuel 15:25…Then Saul admitted to Samuel, “Yes, I have sinned. I have disobeyed your instructions and the Lord’s command, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded.)
I agree with the notion that gospel artistes should also thrive in the same economy everyone is living in but they should also know that God will ask for accountability of their gifts from their ministration not the associations they simply attended.
I am personally a fan to several worship singers like Lubega Brian because I flow so much in Worship but if the ministry is becoming a market place then Jesus Christ Himself shall come in and overturn the tables.
May God bless every minister who hasn’t exchanged their gold for dust, may God increase their legacy, fame, dominion and may God grant such permanent harvests to them in the due seasons, Amen.
The writer Pr. Francis Nsubuga is the senior Pastor of The Worshippers’ Palace Church (WPC) Ndejje, Entebbe Road -Kibutika Village.
Reach him on whatsapp +256 778 245 811