ON January 14th 2021, all indicators show, Kamuli district people will turn out in big numbers to rally behind their own Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, Uganda’s most popular female politician who doubles as Speaker Parliament of Uganda and vote her Kamuli district Woman legislator.
Speaker Kadaga has surely demonstrated the role of a leader and if you ask any one in Kamuli and the country atlarge, Hon.Kadaga is the yard stick for good leadership.
Our investigative team has gathered what Kadaga has done for Kamuli and why her competitor from FDC Salaam Musumba is just logging a dead horse, she will be massively defeated come next year.
In this article, we bring facts on why Speaker Kadaga has demonstrated developmental leadership and deserves your votes; 

Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga has in the space of 5 five years constructed 12 schools, 30 classroom blocks, 4 Health Centres III, one Health Centre IV, 2 Health Centres II, 2 science laboratories, 2 girls’ dormitories, 39 boreholes and given out 574 animals, sewing machines, pressure pumps, milk coolants and others in Kamuli district.
In the last NRM primary elections, Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga recorded the highest victory in the country after garnering 96% of the votes against her opponent in the Kamuli Woman Member of Parliament race. The opponent, Deborah Mwesigwa has since conceeded and  declared support for the Speaker.

IRON LADY: Speaker Kadaga

The 96% victory did not come as a surprise to the people of Kamuli because Kadaga has for long effected a motherly leadership and made sure all villages in the district are catered for.
Kadaga’s team said their campaign work has been easy since everywhere they go, the achievements are seen and felt by the population.
Much of the list of the achievements accompanied by the pictures are majorly on education, health, income generating activities, electricity and water. 
Rt. Hon. Kadaga has since the last elections constructed primary, secondary and vocational schools in all the parishes in the 13 sub-counties including; Namwenda, Mbulamuti, Balawoli, Wankole, Butansi, Kitayunjwa, Magogo, Namasagali, Nawigulu, Kagumba, Nawanyango and Southern and Northern Divisions in Kamuli municipality.
In Namwenda sub-county, she founded Naalongo S.S, constructed two classroom blocks in Nambaale P.S, 3 classroom blocks in Bugondha, Bulaga and Kayembe, she went ahead to construct a  teacher’s house in Galinandha, assisted in construction of Isingo P.S, provided and solar panels and computers to Namwenda SS and Nalango Academy, and also gave bursaries to many students in the different villages.
In Mbulamuti sub-county, Kadaga constructed three primary schools in Kiyunga, supported the construction of St. Paul SS, supplied solar panels to 3 schools in Bugodha.
In Balawoli sub-county, she gave out iron sheets for the construction of dormitory in Bugaya S.S.
In Wankole sub-country, she constructed eight classroom blocks in Luzinga SS, Buwala P/S and Kibeto P/S and provided solar panels, a science laboratory and girls’ dormitory in Luzinga S.S, a teacher’s house in Lulyambuzi P.S and gave 3 computers to Wankole P/S.
In Butansi sub-county Kadaga supported the construction of Bugeywa S.S, built six classroom blocks at Buteta and Naibowa Muslim schools and bought land for St. Mulumba.
In Magogo sub-county, she constructed classroom blocks in Lwanyama P/S, Lwanyama, Kawule and Matuumu Nakanduli P/S, girl’s dormitory at Mutamu S.S.
In Kitayunjwa, the Speaker gave bursaries to students from all parishes, solar panels to St. Jacob and Bakamira primary schools, computers to Naminange primary school and supported Butende, Mukamira and Nabigongerya P/S.
In the municipal she facilitated the construction of a classroom block at Lubaga boys, built a teacher’s house at Kamuli-Namwendwa, gave computers to Busoga High School and Township P/S and supported Kamuli Girls Boarding Primary School and Alukudusi Vocational School.
In Namasagali sub-county she facilitated the building of schools in Nansololo, Kakanu, Bwiiza and Kadungu, donated solar panels to primary schools, computers to schools, gave bursaries to the needy students and halted the closure of Busitema University.
In Nawigulu sub-county, Plan International, brought by Kadaga constructed schools in Buwanzu, Bulangila, Bwoko and Bugonde.
In Nawanyango sub-county, Kadaga constructed classroom blocks at Kamuli Girls College, gave computers, a bus and facilitated the electricity connection. She facilitated construction of Nawanyango technical school, built classroom blocks and teachers houses in Buyonda P/S and gave bursaries to students from all parishes. 
In Kagumba sub-county, she built schools in the three parishes of Kilige, Kasolwe and Kagumba. Kadaga also facilitated the construction of Bishop Bamwoze College in the same sub-county.

The compassionate speaker financially contributed to the construction of three Health Centres III, two Health Centres IV, two Health Centres II and wards in existing health units in Kamuli district.
In Namwenda sub-county she provided beds and mattresses in Health Centre IV and Kyeya and in Mbulamuti sub-county Kadaga facilitated the construction of Health Centre III in Buwanhanha and Health Centre II in Bukose.

Rt. Hon. Kadaga commissioning Buluya Health Centre II, St. Andrew’s Primary School and Lwanyama Technical Institute, all in Kamuli district last month.
She thanked UEGCL for contributing towards the development of the health and education sectors. Whilst the community in Buluya had requested for only a maternity ward, it was generous of UEGCL to build wards for children, men and women.

In Balawoli sub-county she gave out 15 mattresses to Health Centre III and 5 mattresses to Kawaga Health Centre II and also 5 mattresses to Namaira Health Centre II.
In Wankole sub-county, Kadaga supported the construction of Health Centre III in Lulyambuzi and in Butansi sub-county she provided mattresses to Bugeya Health Centre III and footed the medical care bill for people with albino.
In Magogo sub-county, she facilitated the construction of Nakandula Health Centre IV and donated mattresses to Kitaynujwa Health Centre II.
In the municipal Kamuli Mission Hospital got a bus and in Namasagali sub-county, Kadaga facilitated the establishment of Health Centre III and donated beds and mattresses.
Plan International constructed Namuyingi Health Centre III, and the Speaker made sure beds and mattresses reached Nabirumba Health Centre II.

Over 40 boreholes were drilled in all the parishes, piped water connected many areas and four water irrigation points made.
In Namwenda sub-county 5 boreholes were drilled in the parishes of Kidiki, Bulugo and Kinu and piped water extended to Namwenda sub-county headquarters.

LISTENS & ACTS: Kadaga attending to his voters

In Mbulamuti sub-county 4 boreholes completed in Buluya parish, piped water supply extended to the sub-county headquarters and in Balawoli sub-county two boreholes constructed in Bugaya and Bunangwe.
In Wankole sub-county, Kadaga constructed boreholes in Bukubembhe, Butimbwa, Luzinga, Lulyambuzi and Nawondya primary school.
In Butansi sub-county work on water irrigation facility is going on in Busuuyi, a water source constructed in Naluwoli parish to serve 4 villages,
In Kitayunjwa sub-county 14 boreholes drilled in Nawango and Kitayunjwa parishes, borehole spare parts and repair done in all parishes
In Magogo sub-county, she drilled two boreholes in Butema parish and in the municipal Buimbo also got a borehole. Boreholes were also completed in Kabaganda, Kasozi and Buwagi primary schools.

Over 570 animals were given out to groups and individuals for commercial keeping purposes, dairy projects, milk coolants, oxen ploughs.
Rt. Hon. Kadaga established piggery projects for youth groups in Nankulyaku parish, Namasagli, Bwiiza, Nabwigulu, Namasagli and Kisaikye. Spray pumps, ox ploughs, improved grain seeds were given out to beneficiaries in Namwenda, Kitayunjwa, Busota, Nabwigulu and Namuyingi.

KADAGA: A leader who walks the talk

Buzaaya Dairy coolant has been established in Nawanyango sub-county.
In Namwenda sub-county Kadaga gave out sewing machines to PWDs and women groups to generate income and improve  their standards of living.

Electricity connection has been extended to Mbulamuti sub-county, Wankole sub-county, Butansi sub-county, Kamuli-Namwenda parish and Namaira, thanks to Kadaga’s leadership. Kadaga bought transformer for Naminange. 

Rt. Hon. Kadaga has done tremendous work in promotion of the welfare of the girl child in Kamuli district. She is paying school fees for hundreds of girls, constructed fully facilitated boarding halls for girls, given our sanitary pads among others. She has connected many to jobs and given others start up capital.
She is indeed a champion in the promotion of the welfare of the girl child. 

Story to be continued…..

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