● ‘Where You Begin The New Year Determins How You Will End It. Come And We Start 2024 Before The Lord’, Says Mission Secretary Rev. Muwonge As He Invites Public For The Crossover night
ALL is set for the annual cross overnight prayers at St. Pauls Namirembe Cathedral Gardens tomorrow on 31st December 2023 as nation ushers in new year 2024.
Over twenty thousand people are expected to attend the crossover night. Rev. Samuel Muwonge, head of the organisation team has assured the people of God total deliverance, blessing, anointing and maximum security.
The Archbishop Church of Uganda His Grace The Most. Rev. Dr. Samuel Stephen Kazimba Mugalu alongside the newest Bishop of Namirembe Diocese Rt. Rev. Moses Banja, visiting Ven. Justice Okoronkwo from Nigeria, Dean of the Cathedral The Very Rev. Can. Jonathan Kisawuzi Ssalongo, Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge and Rev. Simon Peter Dembe lya Yesu will preach the word of God and lead prayer, intercession and deliverance all through the night. Gates open at 12:00 pm.
The theme is, ‘Did i not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory od God?’ John 11:40.
Taking journalists through preparations for the cross overnight, Rev. Muwonge who is in charge if Mission Evangelism Namirembe Diocese said, “I am inviting you all here at Namirembe Cathedral gardens, come and see the glory of the Lord, come and we end year 2023 and enter new year 2024 in the Lord’s presence, God will deliver you and as long as you believe, you will see the glory of God.”
“We will begin tomorrow morning with a medical camp where we will take care of all the sickenesses that are disturbing God’s people, there will be blood donation, come and donate blood, come and save lives. Then later there will be powerful praising and worship, then different Preachers and by 6am, there will be annointing and speaking the blessing upon your life.” Said Mission secretary boss, Rev. Muwonge.
About security of the venue and people, Rev. Muwonge said, “Security is tight. The God of Heaven and earth is our security number one. Also, we have been assured by the Uganda police force and sister security organs that they will take care of our lives.”
Rev. Muwonge however urged whoever will attend the crossovernight to travel light, carry your Bible, carry your notebook, you pen, offering/thanksgiving, carry your transport. You do not need to move with laggages.

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