PHOTO: Mr. Kazibwe and wife Dr. Anne during prayers at Budo yesterday
YESTERDAY, Friday November 26th 2021, the transfer of Mr. John Frederick Kazibwe from Mengo Senior School to prestigious Kings College Budo as College’s new head teacher was effected at a colourful function attended by District Education Officer (DEO) Wakiso, Board members of the college, members of PTA, Education secretary Rev. Nathan Mulondo and Namirembe Diosese Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge.
This comes a few days after the untimely death of Kings College Headmaster Mr. Patrick Bakka Male on 10th November 2021! At the time of his death, preparations for the handover function to Fred Kazibwe were in higher gear. It is sad, Bakka Male did not however live to witness this historical moment!
MAY GOD LEADS YOU: Rev. Muwonge praying for the Kazibwes
Also in attendence at the hand over function, were; Intercessors, Buddo’s teaching and non teaching staff, Mengo Senior School Family, Old Budonians led by their president, Kings college Budo’s outgoing chaplain Rev. Enoch Kimanje who took over from Rev. Samuel Muwonge, now Mission Secretary, Namirembe Diocese.
Mission Secretary Rev. Samuel Muwonge (right) and Education Secretary Rev. Nathan Mulondo yesterday at Budo
Function started with prayers in the college chapel conducted by the Education Secretary, Mission Secretary and College Chaplain.
From prayers, they proceeded to the Board room where Mr. Fred Kazibwe who was accampanied by wife Dr. Anne Kazibwe, was officially introduced to the board members and PTA as the new Head teacher, Kings College Budo. This was followed by the handover of instruments of power.
Before he was appointed Mengo Senior School’s headmaster to replace Mr. Ssemivule in 2008, Mr. Fred Kazibwe was deputy head teacher Kings College Buddo.
Bakka Male was the 13th headteacher of Kings College Budo, one of the oldest schools in Uganda with a legacy spanning 115-years. During his tenure, he was vocal in rallying the school’s alumni (Budonians) to improve the infrastructure of the school and revive its glory, with a new face.
Late Bakka Male
According to media reports, Bakka Male held a Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Education, majoring in Physics and Mathematics, and a Masters degree in Education Administration and Planning. The educationist briefly taught at Namilyango College in 1986 and later in the same year, he was posted to King’s College Budo where he taught Mathematics and Physics.
In 2002, he was posted to Muntuyera High School-Kitunga and in the same year, he was appointed headteacher and posted at Mengo Senior Secondary School. The Ministry of Education later redeployed him to King’s College Budo, this time as a headteacher taking over from George William Semivule.
Due to his ailing situation, Church of Uganda which owns this 1st World school moved to retire Bakka Male and asked him to prepare his report and hand over office on October 9th this year.
Church had already identified hard-working Mengo Senior School Headmaster John Frederick Kazibwe to replace Bakka Male at Kings College Budo. In fact, Mr. Kazibwe was told to start bidding farewell to teaching and non-teaching staff at Mengo Senior. Many wept on hearing that a man who has worked tirelessly to raise the academic bar and welfare of staff and students of one of the oldest schools in Uganda was leaving!
Those in the know say, even Kazibwe never wanted to leave Mengo Senior, a school for which he held such a gigantic vision. Under his tenure the school has developed by leaps and bounds because of his faithful stewardship. However, his bosses had already ruled on this and expected no appeal. They saw him as the best substitute for Bakka Male. His office at Mengo senior, was then filled with former Luzira SS Headmaster.
In fact, Church of Uganda wanted Kazibwe to officially be in charge of Kings College Budo as Academic year 2022 S.1 and S.5 selections were being carried out.
We are reliably informed, Bakka Male penned a letter to the Ministry of Education requesting to be allowed in office until the end of 2021.
Insiders say, the game plan was that, he heads the admissions of S.1 and S.5 so that he can financially sanitize himself since during this season, Headmasters of such schools eat like lords.
This is the time when filthy rich parents scramble to get places for their children in such schools and can remit whatever is required at backdoor, to secure places for their children. Status quo was temporarily maintained at Budo.
Our source in Budo told us,, Bakka Male approached the treasurer to approve a loan of UGX 200M which he said was to help him renovate the College ahead of opening schools in January 2022.
The treasurer (names withheld) turned down Bakka Male’s request. He openly told him, “Money will be given to the new Headmaster (Mr. Kazibwe), the time you have remained with is to prepare a report and hand over not renovating the school. That will be the work of your successor.”
This didn’t go well with Bakka Male who must have felt that the school owners wanted him out of their school. It’s sad, since then, his blood pressure shot up until he breathed his last!
● He constructed a new Chapel (St. John’s Chapel) with a sitting capacity of 1000 students.
● He constructed and completed a four floors HSC block on which there is also a staff room, HSC classes and a Main Hall.
● By the time of his departure, about 90% of construction work on a new four floors block of Library and laboratory was done.
● Increased number of students, teaching and non teaching staff.
● Discipline and academic standards improved.
● Bought a modern school bus
● Bought a new double cabin for the school headmaster.
● Heads construction committee for Mission House and also chairman Board of Mission Namirembe Diocese.
● Etc
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