FROM LEFT: Luzzi, Lydia Wanyoto, Rose Namayanja, Kasule Lumumba and Hon. Kiwanda (extreme right) during ground breaking of the NRM offices at Kunywa in Busimbi Division, Mityana.


THE 2021 Mityana Municipality member of Parliament race will be one of the hottest ever if NRM delegates in Mityana make no mistake and award money-magnet Abraham Luzzi a ticket to tussle it out with the  incumbent Francis Butebi Zaake.
Luzzi who declared his intention to contest for member of Parliament Mityana Municipality on ruling NRM party ticket in 2017, all indicators show, the 37 years youngman will massively win NRM Primaries.
This is in consideration of NRM big guns Luzzi has rallied to secure a party ticket both from Plot 10 Kyadondo Headquaters in Kampala and local leaders in Mityana who have already endorsed his candidature so that he uproots Zaake.

LUZZI: Ready for the battle

Both are in the same age bracket, share support from youth groups, financially sounding and very good at mobilization indicating that the Zaake-Luzzi 2021 MP race will be a real political battle ever in the history of Mityana, all cameras will be on Mityana, they will put up a very hot contest.
Speaking to the News Editor Media ahead of NRM Primaries, Luzzi who comes from a very staunch NRM family said, “I have offered myself and i will win Mityana Municipality MP seat for my beloved party NRM. I have the good will of our National Chairman President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Secretary General Rt. Hon. Kasule Lumumba, Party Treasurer Hon. Rose Namayanja Nsereko and our leaders in Mityana. I am in their good books.”
Luzzi is talked about as a superb NRM mobilizer whom fellow students at Nkumba University remember as an NRM guru, that was a great preacher of the gospel of the ruling Party. 
A young smart Luzzi said, “Any one questioning my loyalty to NRM must be having a very big problem. I have a party card and my name appears in the yellow book.”
He told us, “I have come to liberate Mityana Municipality. I have come to give our people perfect representation in the August House, I will be a leader who listens to all and to those knowing me, am a great lobbyist.”
“Luzzi isn’t a beggar, he isn’t corrupt, just a hardworking youngman who preaches NRMgospel, wants to go to Parliament and be a bold voice for Mityana Municipality.” He told this media house. 
In the NRM primaries, Luzzi is expected to tussle it out with John Mary Bugembe Kamya, husband to State Minister for Kampala Hon. Benny Namugwanya. She is also Woman MP Mubende district. 
The Bugembes have a school in Nakibanga, a village boardering Mityana Municipality and Busujju.

John Mary Bugembe

2016 NRM candidate Charles Sserugga Matovu ‘Munnakyalo’ is expected not to return for the battle. 
Another likely candidate for the NRM primaries is Wilberforce Kakumba, former admin NRM office, Mityana.
There is an allegation that Kakumba candidature is bankrolled by tycoon Emanuel Butebi Ssembuusi, MP Zaake’s father.
Butebi’s motive, insiders say, is to crash NRM by fronting a weaker candidate to make his son again sail through without disturbance.

Wilberforce Kakumba

Political analysts in Mityana say, Zaake’s camp is very much worried about Luzzi’s candidature. In fact, it’s fine for them if NRM fronts either Bugembe or Kakumba because the two can easily be defeated. If Luzzi  is given the NRM party ticket, he is bound to  give the opposition a very hard time.
There is circulating information that, NRM top leadership in Mityana is already infiltrated by Zaake’s camp to block Luzzi and all games are being played to sabotage and blackmail this ambitious youngman.
(In our next story, we will expose one by one)

The News Editor Media has exclusively learnt about a team of State House officials deployed by President Museveni, the ruling Party supreme leader to write him a report about Mityana politics ahead of 2021 General elections.


In the intelligence briefing, the Head of State was briefed about Abraham Luzzi, a youngman who is well entrenched in youth groups, women groups, financially independent, a good NRM mobilizer, injecting funds in sports and preaching about NRM achievements.
This is when President Museveni sent a team led by his Private Secretary and advisor on youth and Entrepreneurship Dr. Emanuel Hillary Musoke commonly known as Junior Kisanja to meet Mr. Luzzi over his 2021 ambitions.
In the meeting, Dr. Musoke Kisanja told Luzzi, “We have been sent by His Excellency the President to encourage you on, he appreciates your efforts towards your NRM Party and government at large.”
“Mr. President is aware of your efforts to encourage youth to work hard and desist from acts of violence. Please go on with your intentions to contest for Member of Parliament Mityana Municipality, NRM is very proud of you.” Said Musoke Kisanja.
This meeting came after rumours made rounds in Mityana that Luzzi was considering contesting as an independent on sensing irregularities and foul play in this forthcoming NRM Primaries. 
Luzzi’s camp accuses a clique of NRM leaders in Mityana of being infiltrated by the opposition and now taking sides and obstructing new ideas in the Party. 
Dr. Musoke Kisanja told him that the president is very aware of those cliques obstructing NRM and he will crush them.
He assured him of support saying, NRM is a mass party, a leader like Luzzi who ushers in youth especially from opposition, is an asset.
“It’s your right to contest for any position in NRM. Put on your shoes, go and contest, you have our support.” Musoke Kisanja told Abraham Luzzi.

Luzzi and Dr. Musoke Kisanja (in a neck-tie) addressing media after their meeting

On very many accassions, Luzzi has been seen mobilizing youth to subscribe to NRM party some include those who were in opposition MP Zaake’ inner circle.   

Speaking to this media house, Mr. Luzzi said with NRM ticket, Hon. Zaake is politically finished.
He said, in him, Mityana Municipality will get the best legislator ever and his targets are the youth (especially un employed), farmers, women, developing markets, infrastructure and a model Municipality.

LUZZI: Drafting his manifesto

Sources say, Luzzi was sourced by then Mityana district NRM Chairman Haji Haruna Nziiza Kibirige and encouraged him to stand for MP Mityana Municipality on NRM ticket.
“He based on the fact that at my age, I was not ashamed to identify with NRM and winning hundreds of youth to our side.” Noted Luzzi.
No one can shoot down a week candidate. Am targeted because I am a threat. I am annoying the enemy.
He said, “In me, is a potential unifying candidate who will automatically win Mityana Municipality seat for NRM Party come 2021 polls.”
He says, he is going to represent the entire community as Mityana, “In fact, even with opposition, i have been receiving encouraging messages to go on with my intention and stand,  saying I am the best candidate for the seat.”
“They assured me thus, ‘Luzzi we can work with you, you can be a perfect representative and deliver our views to the August House.’ They are all behind me. This must be so painful for Hon. Zaake and his father who are now doing every thing possible to destablize NRM in Mityana.” Luzzi told this Media house .


Since Luzzi declared his intention to contest for MP seat in Mityana Municipality, Luzzi says he has touched many lives of youth who were jobless. 
“I have sponsored their education, trained them in modern Agricultural methods and other sports development activities. Among those that have benefited from my efforts is a very prominent opposition youth figure in Mityana Budoman Katende who was a very radical youth leading all strikes in Mityana. He was team Zaake.” Said Luzzi. Luzzi glories in the fact that he ushered then notorius Katende to NRM and got him baptized. He is a changed youngman now.
He recruited Ibrahim Nzogera Lukyamuzi who was  permanent and private Secretary to Hon.Zaake. Also, Ashraf Kiyimba Freeman the spokesperson for Hon. Zaake defected to Luzzi camp. Another one is Sande Ssekyanzi who was the chief cordinator of Zaake’s ground operations.  “This is the very reason why NRM needs a tactful man like me in Mityana. With me as member of Parliament, opposition will be crushed in Mityana. Hon. Zaake can’t take Mityana into a riot because all his strategists were recruited into the Luzzi camp in NRM.” Said Luzzi, adding, “since crossing to our camp they testify that a lot of their time was wasted with Hon. Zaake who added next to nothing unto them. They now see the future  changing with our new hope.”

Luzzi and NRM SG during the ground breaking of NRM house

According to Luzzi, this plaza which is located at Mityana taxi park was a private public partnership venture between Mr. Butebi Ssembuusi and the Municipality Council. 
The land where this building sits is owned by Mityana Municipality while Butebi funded the construction of the building.
In the MoU, the two parties agreed that when the construction is done, Mr. Butebi will own the lower part (shops) and Mityana Municipality take over and occupies the upper part.
However, after the completion of the building, Butebi Ssembuusi hired the part that belongs to the Municipality. 
Later, after realizing that he wasn’t doing financially well, he handed over what belongs to Municipality to the owners. 
“Notices were put up that the building needed tenants,I put in my bid was awarded the space. I promptly paid the rent and was cleared to take over.” Luzzi told us. 
He said, “On learning that it’s Luzzi who had taken over the upper part of the building,  and that I was going to raise up posters of President Museveni and NRM flags on that building, Butebi started trembling.”
He faults Butebi for having connived with some security officials to block him from occupying the upper part of the building and do business.

Asked about the leaked District Internal Security report which talks about objection of his sole candidature, Luzzi said he is not worried of tussling it out with any one.
However he said, “Now look at that fake and demeaning report about Luzzi’s personality written by DISO. All indicators show, I have posed a threat to the enemies of NRM who have now chosen to influence a section of security officials to preach lies against me.”

SKILLING AND JOB CREATION: Luzzi was the chief guest at Mityana Open Troop Foundation graduation

Because he won hearts of Mityana decision makers who include Hon. Minister Kiwanda, Hon. Nabakooba, Counsel Luzige, Hon. Kamya, mayor Ndyanab, Division chairpersons among others, Luzzi says enemies of NRM are now scratching heads to see how he can be denied the NRM ticket.
 Luzzi is positive that the DISO’s lies can’t be bought by any sane party leader. I personally  support Hon. Nabakooba and she is my friend.

37 years ago, Abraham Luzzi was born in Mityana Central Area, Kibibi garage in Mityana Municipality. 
He comes from the family of Haji Haruna Kibirige an NRM man 311 and a great mechanic. Kibirige is the owner of reknown Kibibi garage. 
He was in fact the initiator of Mityana town. Luzzi’s father is Abdul Kasule commonly known by Mityana people as Muduleeva. His mother is (late) Hadijah Nantaba.
He started his education in Mityana and Kakiri. 
He is an Old Boy of Kampala Central Member of Parliament Muhammad Nsereko at famous Kawempe Muslims Senior School. They are buddies. Nsereko was the Head prefect and Luzzi elected Sports and Games prefect alongside Kyadondo House prefect.
Because he was an excellent footballer, Lubiri Secondary School awarded Luzzi a school bursary. The school gave out two bursaries and one went to Edrisa Musuuza, commonly known as Eddie Kenzo, the artist. At Lubiri, Luzzi was in Muteesa House. Kenzo used to ride on Luzzi’s sports bicycle.
Luzzi did a science combination, PCB/M.
He later went back home and joined Mityana Secondly School Namukozi for Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education. He was in Blue House from where he participated in many activities like sports and was awarded different certificates for being a star. 
He almost failed to sit for his S.6 final exams because he had no school fees. Thanks to Ms. Nakiganda then laboratory attendant who stood in for him. 
In 2008, Luzzi joined Nkumba University for Bachelors in Procurement and logistics Management in 2008.
At Nkumba, he was elected chairman Baganda Nkobazambogo. 
“My patron was Owek. Noah Kiyimba, the Buganda Kingdom Spokesman and Information minister. He knows me very well.” Said Luzzi during an interview with us.
He revealed to us how Baganda Nkobazambogo trained them to love and support Buganda Kingdom.
Luzzi told us, “I was appointed the Katikkiro of Namasole Madalene Ndibalekera for Sir Daudi Chwa. The reknown and ever strongest Namasole in the Kingdom of Buganda. She is in fact the richest woman in Buganda Kingdom. Grand mother of Kabaka Mutebi.”
Luzzi is a great sportsman, one of the big sponsors and administrators of Singo Masaza cup.
He talks about himself as a monarchist who loves Kabaka and Buganda Kingdom. 

FOR SSINGO FC: Luzzi ready to sponsor Masaza cup

During the Cranes AFCON campaign, Luzzi put up prize money for every goal scored by our boys. He bought  every goal at between 5-10M.

EXPOSED: Luzzi for business

In business, he is an international Oil dealer,  specifically dealing in Bitmen oil which is used in road construction. 
This business has made him travel to different countries and he has offices in Dubai, Hongkong, China, South Africa and United Kingdom. He also owns businesses in those countries.
In Uganda, Luzzi deals in land business and Real Estate.

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